
Craftastic Stuff

Okay here is all the stuff I have been working on lately. Mostly all for swaps. I have tried something new and started making my own stencils and making shirts. There are two posted on here. The owl is for a swap and the other is my V-day shirt. There are also two altered Altoid Tins which where both used in swaps. I am addicted to making these and am thinking of going to see if they sell them in bulk at Costco! Many thanks to my friend Kristin for painting the skulls on the tin below. I made them into pins and drilled holes into the tin to attach them.

Even though I am very anti-Valentines day I have made some love inspired jewelry. The one shown here was for the Friends of Craftster Raffle Swap. I really like the way it turned out and almost wanted to keep it for myself.
I also made this butterfly necklace. It's not the colors I normally like but I can't resist a butterfly.

Another sewn item. My first time making a little wallet type thing. It was easy peasy.
I am in love with the necklace below. I am keeping it all to myself!!!!!! I have had the charms forever and never knew what to do with them.

Here is an owly journal for the owl swap. I like the way it turned out and hope my partner feels the same!

And here is my valentines day shirt that I stenciled. Too funny!!!

Well that is what I have been working on lately. I am happy to be trying new things (especially when they actually work out) I will try to be back tomorrow with my anti-valentines day post!


I have been slacking

I have been super busy but I will be back soon with some new pictures of recent items I have made. Until then I received this in an e-mail and thought it was hilarious. Some of these look alikes are spot on!