
Mmmm...Sweet & Salty

This year I am trying for more of a handmade holiday. You can find some great handmade ideas online or you can buy handmade from Etsy! Help support the crafting community!
Check these out!
christmas gift ideas
This is a super quick and easy treat that can be made in about 15-20 minutes. They taste great too which always helps!
You will need:
Preztels (the weave shaped ones work best)
Hershey Hugs or kisses (I used both!)
M&M's (I used the peanut ones)
Preheat your oven to 250
Get a pan and cover it with parchment paper then lay out your pretzels
Put a hug or kis on the top of each pretzel. Be warned that the hugs melt a bit faster than the kisses.
Bake at 250 for 5 minutes
Take out and immediately push a M&M onto each kiss.
I popped mine in the fridge to harden or you could just let them cool on the counter.
Easy Peasy!

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handmade projects

Creations by Kara


Sweet Tooth

Where have I been you ask?? Well I have been busy creating Christmas crafts, doing some baking, and planning Adia's birthday tea party. I want to be able to share some new ideas and handmade gift ideas with you for this holiday season. Coming up soon I will be showing off an owl stuffy, some sugar hand scrub, soap cozies, coffee cup cozies, and a cookie sheet advent calendar. There may be some treats to eat featured soon too!

In the mean time here is a "sweet" necklace that was made a few years ago and I am sure is probably shown in a previous blog post. I figured that since it's so sweet I could share it again!


Black Beauty

This necklace is one of my favorites and it started out looking quite different. This was a thrift store find that I paid under $1 for! I cut it apart and restrung the beads in a more pleasing way and here is what I came up with.


Phoenix Fire

This necklace was made for a personal swap and was inspired by the colors of a Phoenix. I used a large red faceted stone along with orange, yellow, and light yellow Swarovski stones. I really hope the recipient was as happy with this necklace as I was.


Friday Flashback

Here is a post from 11/03/2008 of a few funny things I came across in what I think was an email..

Is this for real? Well it looks like a real article to me. Who in their right mind though would think that anyone would be interested in this? It has to be a joke right?
WAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION! Seems like this comes from small town paper so I bet the Cole Ave. man is pretty embarassed cause EVERYONE knows who he is!

What a detailed report! You now know to keep your eyes open for two men who have Have a Nice Day smiley face bags and REALLY itchy crotches!

Are you serious? OMG OMG OMG it's a baby in the trash can OMG OMG OM.......oh wait a second nevermind it's only a burrito! Hmmmmm that's a pretty big burrito, wonder where i can get me one of those?


Book Holder

This project came straight out of the pages of my most recent Family Fun magazine. I am a book lover and am hoping to share this love with my kids. So needless to say we have a ton of books. We had so many kids books that they could not be contained by the small bookshelf I had. Also it seems that most kids books are kinda small and don't really have a spine where you can read the title of the book. In Landon's case he can't read yet so he is usually drawn to the cover art. I have been trying to come up with a way to display the books in a way that makes it more inviting for Landon to pick out a book to read with me every night. Thanks to Family Fun I finally found a solution. So simple too! Now I can display a weeks worth of books for him to choose from. This way we also aren't reading the same book over and over again.

You will need fabric (sorry I didn't measure mine)

A double curtain holder (got mine from Walmart for $.96)

Two dowels

Family Fun used fusible webbing while I used my sewing machine. I think that it's pretty self explanatory but if you would like the step by step directions please visit Family Fun's webiste. Also please ignore the spot that Landon was peeling the wall off for some reason!

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I have seen many variations on the ribbon organizer around the blogosphere and decided to try my own. I purchased this baby blue shelf thing at Goodwill on half off day. All in all I paid $1 for it.

I used my drill and drilled two holes on either side. Well Ryan drilled the holes...

I spray painted it and the dowels white.

Then I added the ribbon and hung it over my desk!

I seriously thought I had way more ribbon than this. I guess it looked like more while piled in a shoe box.


Drop a Love Bomb

Adia has been sick this week with a yucky cold so I have been busy taking care of her. Not much time to blog but I wanted to share this with everyone. I found this group through another blog I follow and have found it to be such a great cause. I wanted to share the information with my followers so if you want to get involved you can. It's a Love Bomb. Once a week we come together to drop a Love Bomb (in the form of blog comments) for those who need some love.
It doesn't take much time and costs nothing to send a little online love to someone in need.

This week the Love Bomb is going out to Lovely Lupie who is a 26 year old mother of two who has been fighting Lupus and was recently diagnosed with cancer. Please go and visit her blog and leave a little love. Also if you are interested in joining up visit the Love Bomb site and sign up to get the weekly e-mail.

Come on people and share a little love!!!


Now back to our regularly scheduled crafts

Halloween is finally over and I will not start posting some non-Halloween themed things. We have about a month before Christmas fever starts and I don't really give a crap about Thanksgiving.
I am pretty new to crochet. I can hook up a single, double, and even a triple! Ask me to make you a granny square of any type or to follow a pattern and we might be in trouble..... I would love to be able to make those cute little stuffed creatures or even a hat but no it's still not happening. That would involve counting and my full attention. I can whip up a basic blanket, a scarf, some dishcloths, soap pouches, and now this thing. Speaking of scarves I wonder where I put the one I made about a month ago......

So with that in mind I now present you with a cowl type thing that I made for the Ongoing Wish Swap. I did not follow any type of pattern I just used a double crochet to make a rectangle, added some button holes, and buttons and here you have it.


Halloween 2010

Hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween weekend. We had a super busy weekend that included a trip to the Haunted zoo, the JDRF Walk, a Cardinals game, and of course Halloween itself. I am worn out just from the weekend craziness.

Ryan and I also attended a Halloween party and dressed up this year too. I haven't dressed up in years! It was actually pretty fun.

Here are Adia and Landon. The Love Bug and the Army Soldier

I hope everyone had a great Halloween!