
Halloween Luminaries Tutorial

To make your own luminaries you will need a paper bag, vellum, a silhouette cut out, and a glue stick.  I got lucky and found these pre-cut silhouettes at the Dollar Tree.  Since I made these for a swap I used nice bags but if I was going to do a set for myself I would probably use the paper lunch sack style.

 Begin by gluing your silhouette to the vellum them cutting it out.  Be sure to leave about 1/2 inch on each side of the cut out so you can glue it.

 Trace the vellum onto the bag and cut a out the piece on the inside of your traced lines as you want the hole to be smaller than the vellum you will be gluing in.

 Put glue around the edge of the vellum and glue to the inside of the bag.  After some trial and error I found it best to have the shape on the inside of the bag.

 Place a no flame tea light in the bag and there you go!



Manic Monday

Adia with her bat pumpkin she made for a class decorating contest


Fall Owls

Here are three necklaces and a bracelet that were made for the 13 Days of Halloween Mini Swap.  The package that these were in is still missing.  Last I heard it was in PA which is a long ways from MI.  Hopefully it will get tracked down and make it to it's rightful owner.  Especially since I don't think I took photos of everything that was included!


Manic Monday

Googly Eye Frame I received in the 13 Days of Halloween Mini Swap


Foodie Friday-Sweet N Salty Cookies

I love sweet and salty stuff.  Chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered peanuts, salted carmels......Yummo!  So when I ran across this recipe on Pinterest I knew I HAD to try it!  I didn't use the recipe exactly as it appears.  In fact I used the tried and true Nestle Toll House Cookie receipe for the dough.  Then I used crushed pretzels, milk chocolate chip, and semi chocolate chips.  Finally I sprinkled the cookies with pretzel salt then baked em!  These were a little bit of heaven.  Use the cookie recipe of your choice and just mix in the extras.  If you don't have pretzel salt you can use a little of whatever you have on hand.  Hope you enjoy these as much as I did!

Recipe Adapted from one found at Sugar Cooking



Another decoration I made for the 13 Days of Halloween Mini Swap.  Unfortunately one of the two boxes I sent hasn't made it to it's destination yet.  I had to call the post office and hopefully they will either get it to the correct address or get it returned to me ASAP!  I haven't been having very good luck with the postal service lately.  A swap package that was on it's way to me just disappeared....bah!


Manic Monday

I got a Halloween Stocking in the 13 Days of Halloween Mini Swap!  Filled to the brim with candy too :)