
Supply Hoopla

This is a supply holding hoopla I made for the Ongoing Pinterest Swap.  It was my first time using bias tape and I had to look up a few tutorials online to figure out how to go about it.  I think it turned out pretty well!  Both of the fabrics that I used were received from past swaps and I love the way they look together.  I hope my partner enjoyed it!


Peacock Feather Earrings

I have had some peacock feathers that I received in a swap laying around since January.  I thought about making some cute hair clips or maybe a necklace from them but it just never happened.  

Lucky for me a fellow Craftster had some pinned and I claimed her in the Ongoing Pinterest Swap.  Finally these beautiful feathers would be put to use!

I cut the feathers down and added a few beads then super glued them into an endcap thingy that I could attach earwires to.  A very simple craft with a gorgeous outcome!


Manic Monday

I received this Montana hoopla from Jexxican in the Ongoing Pinterest Swap.  The heart represents one of my favorite places in the world!  Considering that this is Montana though, I should have hearts in a few spots....


Wrap Bracelets

I have been making a ton of these bracelets lately. Now that I have the stitching down they come together really quickly. In fact I now even have a specific box that I keep all the
supplies and beads in!

This last picture shows three different types of wrap bracelets.  You can find the tutorials for each of the bracelets at:
For the one on top at Honestly WTF
The middle at Lima Beads
And the at heodeza for the one on the bottom.

You should totally give these a try if you like bracelets as they are all pretty simple but look really nice!


Felt Badge Swap

I participated in the most AMAZING Felt Badge Swap on Craftster.  There have been so many amazing badges made, you should totally check out the gallery...I love seeing how everyone made such different badges while we all used the same medium. 
For this swap I discovered the wonder that is wool felt!  I will never use that cheapo acrylic stuff again! It cuts so nicely and feels much sturdier.

I chose to have two partners and so I got to create two super cute badges.  My first partner Spunkybubbles mentioned she liked penguins so I created this little guy.  He was supposed to have some white in his eyes but I must have been distracted and sewed the back on before the eyes were done.

My second partner was the uber talented Lime Riot.  We have crossed paths numerous times but never actually swapped with each other.  I was rather nervous being paired with her because everything she makes is FABULOUS!  (Seriously go check out her blog)  She has a love of doxies and I just love the doxie in a hot dog costume that seems to be everywhere around Halloween. So it just seemed to fit that I would make her a new little friend. 

I will definately participate in the next round of this swap.


Manic Monday

Amazing Anatomical Hoodie I received from Redstar13 on Craftster