
Manic Monday

Our Ride Photos from Disneyland 2013


Craftster Hoopla Along Month 4

The fourth theme in the Craftster Hoopla Along was 10 in celebration of Craftsters 10th Anniversary.  I was a bit stumped on what to do at first but inspiration hit!  

I have become addicted to watching Dr. Who and am currently watching the 4th season on Netflix.  This season features the 10th Doctor played by the amazing David Tennant.   So who better to stitch up??  I found the pattern on Fandom in Stitches who is currently hosting a Dr. Who stitchalong.  They have a ton of other really great patterns relating to show and I just may use them in a future swap for another Doctor loving partner.


Make A Friend Swap

These are some of the things I sent to my partner in the Make a Friend Swap.  In the swap you actually send three packages to each other.  Each package has a list of items to can choose to include.  The first package is about you.  I had a hard time with this cause I wanted to send things that described myself but also things my partner would enjoy.  The second and third packages are goodies for them using what you have learned while getting to know your new friend. 
One of the things I learned from my partner is that Thanksgiving is her favorite holiday.  Using that info I made this Autumn Leaf embroidery for her.  The pattern is from Urban Threads.

Once we were partnered up we became Facebook friends and I found out that we both like to play Candy Crush.  So I made her some Candy Crush Bottle Top Magnets.

In the first package I made this little house shrine since I love shrines, birds, and pink!  I also sent along a large Skeleton Key cause I love those too!


Manic Monday

Some of the AWESOME goodies I received in the Make a Friend Swap.  Still have one more package of goodies headed my way from this swap!  I can't wait to see what's next!


Craftster Hoopla Along Month 3

The third theme in the Craftster Hoopla along was to stitch up words or a saying.  Since my mom was diagnosed with GBM in June the word Hope has become a staple in our family.  Gray is the color of the Brain Cancer Support ribbon hence my color choices.


Manic Monday

Minnie!  Our puppy at the vet 13 weeks old and 28 pounds.


Fairy Shrine Swap

I participated in the Fairy Shrine Swap hosted by Retro Cafe Art Gallery.  
The only real rule was that we had to use the amazing blank fairy shrines as bases then art them up however our hearts desired.  We had the option to create 2, 4, or 6 shrines to swap.  I decided to make these four girls.  The majority of the things I used were from Retro Cafe Art Gallery and from my own stash.  The two in the middle are my favorites of the group and I had a hard time sending them away but after seeing what everyone else created on the Retro Cafe Art Gallery Facebook page I know I am going to get some amazing ones in return.


Manic Monday

First Day of School 2013
7th Grade

3rd Grade