
I've been crafty

This was done for the Halloween Altered Altoid Tin swap. I filled it with some beaded earrings that say Boo! Ribbon Barettes, magnets, scrabble tile charms, a batty flashlight keychain, sitckers, erasers, and a tiny cookie cutter and recipe for bat chips. My partner received and says she loves it all.

I never received from my Disney Swap parnter. Something must have happened to prevent her from sending and being online. I hope all is well for her...
Pinky Damone a wonderful craftster has volunteered to be my swap angel and make me some Disney goodness! I can't wait to receive!!!!!!!!

I have been busy crafting for the Chocoholics and Jar of Whimsies swaps and will post pics once everything has been received.

For myself I have have made some ribbon barettes, lots of jewelry, and a cosmetics bag.

Big THANK YOU to Tiffy for the wonderul donation she made to help me out in my crafty pursuits!!

Busy Busy

Argh Matey! Landon is a pirate at the KidsFaire, which was actually parent HELL. Too many people and too many people trying to sell me shit I don't want or need. I call shenanigans since it was advertised as a place with lots of fun activities for kids, big liars!!! Oh well Lando had fun. Adia was out of town camping with her Nana and Papa and missed all the crap *cough* fun!

The kids and I will be traveling to Montana this week for the funeral. It will be a quick trip but I plan on making the most of it. It will be the first time my whole family (on my moms side) will all be together in 9 years. There will some new additions to the family pictures this time around!


I received some crafty goodness

Nothing will help cheer me up more than getting a package in the mail. In this case I got two! Especially good since I had a pretty shitty end of the week.

I received my new friend Olivia from RazorBladeSmile. She also came with a pattern and materials to make some more friends. I also got a cute patchwork pin cushion.

I also received lots of neato supplies from the Fill-a-box swap I so love the beads!


My grandpa C. passed away on 09/11/08. He will always be in my heart and in the hearts of his 6 children, 16 grandchildren, and 17 great-grandchildren. I know that all of us (except the tiny great grandkids) have tons of funny stories and great memories of spending time with him.


I made a friend

I made Sanura for the Make me a Friend swap. She is a pretty little pink elephant and has been sent and received by her new friend RazorBladeSmile. I also made some earrings and a bracelet for her but my camera pooped out last week and I didn't get any pictures of the jewelry.

Razor says that she is very happy with her and actually has a little elephant pin cushion that looks as if it could be Sanura's little one! This was the first time I have sewn a stuffy that turned out well and that I thought was good enough to actually give to someone else. I am quite proud of how she turned out and am planning on making another small stuffy for another swap. Yes, I signed up for ummm another swap or two...more on that another time :)
Anyway, my new friend is on her way to my house and the only hint I have received so far is that her name is Olivia......
I will post pictures of her when I receive.
Yay my new camera should be arriving at my house today or tomorrow. I have been crafting like crazy and will have lots of pictures to post. Lots of new jewelry and some ribbon barrettes that turned out quite nicely if I do say so myself, and I do say.
I am doing a small Halloween swap and a Chocolate swap, how could I have passed those up???
I will post more about those when the packages have been sent/recieved and such.
I can't believe it is already going to be Halloween. Adia is going to scare it up this year as a Vampire. I think she will be the cutest yet scariest Vampire ever! The costume I bought her is actually labled as a spiderweb ghost but we are revamping it into a vamp :)
Landon of course wants to be a Ninja Turtle, I have yet to find a costume that will fit him but Jay says he saw one on ebay so I will have to check there. I have issues with spending a ton of money on a Halloween costume. It is only worn once! For a few hours! Just like I didn't spend a ton on my wedding dress, I only wore it once and won't ever wear it again! I wanted to attempt to make the Ninja Turtle costume but was vetoed. I guess I understand, who really wants to have to wear the homemade costume? Especially when your mom is definitely not a master seamstress! If I can't find a Ninja Turtle costume for the right price he is going as Spiderman cause we already have that costume!! Stay tuned for some new crafty pictures coming your way by next week.


More pictures

Lets see, I received a wonderful muffin shaped dish cloth from my partner in the mini recipes swap. It matches the colors that I am trying to use in my kitchen perfectly!

These are some more scrabble tiles that I made. I love making these! They are super cute and easy to do

Here is a bright bracelet I made with some beads I received in the last round of the fill a box swap.

I actually made quite of bit of jewelry over the long weekend but my camera took a poo on me. I have ordered a brand new purple digital camera and am waiting patiently for it to arrive. Once it does I will post pictures of everything I been making. One of these days I may even get around to opening my Esty shop.


It's official I am addicted

I swore to myself that I was not going to sign up for any more craft swaps (sounds so familar) but I got sucked into another one.

Currently I am in the Disney Swap of which I finished my crafting and sent out but I am waiting to receive from my partner. My Disney swap partner never posted any pictures which is so disappointing. I worked hard on that damn package, oh well. I am getting ready to send out a package for the make me a new friend swap, I am also going to participate in another fill a box swap to get rid of some stuff I won't use, that's my excuse anyway. Doesn't make much sense since I will be getting a box of stuff in return!

Today I signed up for the Chocoholics swap. I am leary about shipping out of the country cause of shipping costs but I would really like to try some chocolate treats from over seas. I also want to include things in my box that my partner wouldn't normally get. I am going to have to do some searching so that they don't get a box full of Snickers and Kit Kats. I am excited for this swap and I already have some ideas of what I am going to make for my partner.

In other news my cousin Anthony wanted for some crazy reason to spend his 21st birthday here in Phoenix and will be here with his sister, her bf, his mom (my wonderfully crazy aunt), etc next week. I am super excited as I haven't seen Anthony in about three years, Cassidy in two, and my aunt since Feburary since they all live out of state. We are going to take everyone out on the town on Friday and have a nice family BBQ on Saturday. If only I could get this boy to tell me what he wants to go do! If he doesn't pick something soon he is going to have to do something of our choosing.

Also Jay and I are waiting for some news that could be good stuff for us so keep your fingers crossed it works out please!!