
It's official I am addicted

I swore to myself that I was not going to sign up for any more craft swaps (sounds so familar) but I got sucked into another one.

Currently I am in the Disney Swap of which I finished my crafting and sent out but I am waiting to receive from my partner. My Disney swap partner never posted any pictures which is so disappointing. I worked hard on that damn package, oh well. I am getting ready to send out a package for the make me a new friend swap, I am also going to participate in another fill a box swap to get rid of some stuff I won't use, that's my excuse anyway. Doesn't make much sense since I will be getting a box of stuff in return!

Today I signed up for the Chocoholics swap. I am leary about shipping out of the country cause of shipping costs but I would really like to try some chocolate treats from over seas. I also want to include things in my box that my partner wouldn't normally get. I am going to have to do some searching so that they don't get a box full of Snickers and Kit Kats. I am excited for this swap and I already have some ideas of what I am going to make for my partner.

In other news my cousin Anthony wanted for some crazy reason to spend his 21st birthday here in Phoenix and will be here with his sister, her bf, his mom (my wonderfully crazy aunt), etc next week. I am super excited as I haven't seen Anthony in about three years, Cassidy in two, and my aunt since Feburary since they all live out of state. We are going to take everyone out on the town on Friday and have a nice family BBQ on Saturday. If only I could get this boy to tell me what he wants to go do! If he doesn't pick something soon he is going to have to do something of our choosing.

Also Jay and I are waiting for some news that could be good stuff for us so keep your fingers crossed it works out please!!

1 comment:

  1. Swaps are addicting! I always take pictures of my stuff before I send... for that reason.. and also I like to have pictures of all the crafts I made... most of my favorite crafts I give away in swaps... oh well....


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