
I'm Bringing Crafty Back

After some very spooky Halloween Costumes.......
I had to post Landons picture first because after that shot his sister sucked all his blood! See it running down the sides of her mouth? I knew there was some sibling rivalry but sheesh.....
Okay I haven't been very crafty lately on things I can post since they are all items for swaps and I wouldn't want to ruin the surprises (not that anyone actually reads this!) But in any case I figured since this is supposed to be a crafty kinda blog that I better actually post some freaking crafts on here! There is a lovely beaded bracelet that I am having some size issues with. The silver things on the ends make it A LOT longer than normal! I still have some beads left over and am going to make some matching earrings. I also made some new scrabble tile charms. I recently got a huge roll of ball chain so I can make pendants out of them. I also just received the most awesome DOMINO charms, not sure yet how I feel about the bracelet but it took a while to make so I don't have the heart to tear it up. I really like the earrings but am going to make them shorter. I also have lots more of the charms and am going to make matching color domino earrings too. Keep your eyes on my Etsy if you want a pair or you can visit my crafty Myspace and get your very own pair! (Shameless plug for myself, but what the hell it's my blog and I can do what I want) I also ordered these tiny plastic photo holder charm thingies that I think I am IN LOVE with. I have only used one since I don't want to waste them. I think I am going to make that one into an awesome bracelet though.

As you can see here I received a package from my chocolate swap partner!!! She made me a bacon pillow and a little bacony friend I have named Hammy. She made me some yummy sugar scrub that smells just like chocolate and some chocolate scented lip balms. Also included was a chocolate recipe book and obviously lots of chocolate! Lots of things I have never tried, so I am looking forward to eventually eating them all!
Good news my 2nd swap angel for the Disney swap has sent me a package!!!!!!! I am so anxious to receive it as I have been (im)patiently awaiting some Disney goodness since the beginning of September! I know it will be an awesome package too since my angel is an awesome crafter. I can't wait to see what she made for me (and possible the wee ones)

1 comment:

  1. Greetings,

    I was told you had accepted my UHU glue challenge. This is my first time to your blog. Your work is gorgeous and your blog is quite eclectic.

    Please don't forget to complete the challenge, send the link to UHU glue's blog and also to my blog.

    Thanks again for accepting my challenge. I can't wait to see what you create.



I love comments! Unfortunately I can't figure out how to reply to them....but I really do read them!