
I'm Baaaaack

It's been a while but I'm back with a few updates. I finished my Christmas shopping for my kids which is a total relief. They are only getting 5 things total along with stocking. The way I see it they get so much stuff from everyone else that it is sort of pointless for me to get them tons of stuff. Now I need to shop for all the siblings/cousins/parents/friends. I know what I am going to get my parents and grandparents and the little cousins but my siblings are hard to shop for. So are friends. I also need to get going on my holiday baking. I am going to be making cherry blossoms and buckeyes to give this year. You better hope you are on the list to get some cause they are gooooood!

Now I need to start getting things ready for Adia's 12/13/08 birthday bash. We are going to have a party at the park again this year with pizza and some games. I have decided against traditional party favors and am instead going to let the kids each pick out a book to take home. No candy and junk toys for us this year. Adia wants to play games so I need to figure out a few good outdoor games.

We will be busy the weekend of the 13th as my aunt is coming to town from Montana for a visit and a Cardinals game. So after the party we will be heading over to moms for a BBQ. Sunday is the Cardinals/Vikings game which I will be going to. I can't wait!

Things are finally starting to settle down around my house, getting into a new schedule isn't always easy, especially on the kids. Turning back into a single parent hasn't been so easy on me either! I sure don't take my kids for granted so much anymore. It's really hard when they are with their dad. This year Adia will be with him on her birthday, that's going to be tough on me. First birthday in 8 years I won't be with my little girl.

Okay enough with the sad shit! My brother Lucas finally got the camera that he has been wanting and he tested it out on me Friday. Here are a few of the results
I was spying on my mom here and then I decided to play dead, not very convincing though. I had had a few margaritas and was being a bit silly!
Here my lovely Lucas caught me by surprise as I was walking out of the bedroom fixing my shirt.
Then mom and me decided to have a cheesy portrait shoot and pose for the camera! I ended up getting the giggles and laughed so hard I cried. Luke has a few pics of that but he didn't send them to me and even if he had I wouldn't post them cause they are not overly attractive.
I am still crafting away, making a few Christmas gifts that are quite time consuming. I have finished and sent my 12 Days of Christmas swap stuff, I was an angel and sent another Jar of Whimsies box and now I need to finish up and send out my altered Altoids tin and ornaments. I also need to complete my UHU challenge and alter a magazine. I have been slacking but have had a very good excuse!
Hope everyone had lots of turkey fun last Thursday! MWAH!!!

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if you ever created your UHU challenge you took in November on my blog. I don't see it on your blog and UHU hasn't gotten it either.

    If you haven't already, please complete the altered art project using magazine images, post the project to your blog and send UHU glue a link.

    Thanks in advance.



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