
Small Works of Art

I have discovered a new crafty love called inchies. I had heard of them before but never really looked at them until there was a new swap post for an inchie swap. Basically they are 1x1 inch squares that are decorated into small works of art. Seeing what people come up with to fill such a tiny space is really amazing. I have been so inspired seeing what others do that I can't stop making them. In fact I have plans to use the ones I receive from other along with more that I make myself to create a large collage to hang over my couch. From the swap I will end up with a total of 50 inchies, plus I did a personal swap and received 10 more, and have plans for another personal swap for some more! I want to get some from as many different sources as possible so they will all be different. Here are the 50 that I made for the swap, I kept 5 for myself and sent the rest out to 9 different people. As I make more I will post them.

I also participated in a "craft my theme" swap. I made my partner a book pillow, which it seemed a lot of others liked. I am actually making another for a partner in a current swap I am doing. It has the elastic to hold the book open for you leaving you hands free to read. In thinking about it though, it may actually be a pain to stick the read pages under the elastic band as you turn the page.......Oh well she liked it and I guess that's what counts!

She also really wanted a reading is sexy shirt. She had one on her wists but I decided to put my own spin on it. This shirt was also pretty well received by others. I think I may have to make one myself. I am still working on perfecting my stenciling skills but have found that using contact paper to cut out the design works beautifully. I just have to make sure to get stuck to the fabric really well. I know this looks like there is a line through her middle but it's really just the reflection on the wonderfully sparkly paing. Oh how I love sparkles.....

Last but not least I made her some bookmarks. Her theme that I chose was reading/library. With the bookmarks though I could incorporate some of her other themes in, tree of life, retro, and rock & roll.

I just finished up a crafty detective swap where I was not allowed to communicate with my partner, she has no idea who is crafting for her just like I have no idea who is crafting for me. Totally the wrong swap for me to sign up for! I can't stand not knowing things and not being able to communicate was difficult. It was really hard to craft for my partner cause I don't think we had a lot in common and she was not so stalkable! The things she requested were a bit out of my crafting league. All in all I did the best I could and she will hopefull like the package, especially since I think this is her first swap!!!

Once the package is received I will post pictures of what was inclued in it.

I am currently crafting for the Invite Your Partner Swap and another Jar of Whimsies swap.

I have found a few neato websites lately, well Tiff found them.

I feel bad that we didn't get any mothers day crafting done, but I should get credit for at least buying cards and sending them right? I even remembered all the April birthdays this year! I will now pat myself on the back!

So there it is for those who are interesting in the craftiness that I do.

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