

I must have these Dots. I know they sell a large bag with a mixture of the three Halloween flavors in mini boxes. I have already had the Ghost Dots last year and they were quite tasty. I really really want to try the Bat Dots, they are supposedly blood orange flavored. I will be heading to Walgreens this weekend to purchase the bag. YUMMO!
In other Halloween news the kids want to decorate the house this year and so we have lots of new decorations that are just wating to be put up. Probably not until the first weekend in Halloween though, I will post pictures of the kids and their decorations later.
As for crafting I am done with all my current large swap packages and am not going to sign up for anything new until after the holidays. I have plans of finishing a stocking I started last year and trying to make two or three new ones before Christmas. I also want to make crayon rolls for the kids as part of their presents. I will have lots of new crafty pictures to post later this week. I know you can't wait.

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