
Cause I can

A small rant cause it's my blog and I can...
I have been a very faithful swapper on Crafster for 1 1/2 years now and have had some really good experiences. So much so that I turned a fellow crafter on to them to start swapping. I have only been flaked on once before in the 30 swaps I have done, until now. I don't know if I am just having some bad crafty karma lately or what but I got flaked on again. I have swapped with this particular person before and recieved a fab package and last I heard is that she had been sick. So I am not upset about the fact that she wasn't able to send cause I get that life happens, it's understandable. I know something must have happened since it seems she dropped out of sight on more than one swap. I just don't like the complete lack of communication. I know I probably shouldn't complain because if something happened in my life who knows if I would even be thinking about swap partners etc but a quick e-mail saying I can't send for whatever reason would have been kinda nice. Then at the same time a package was received that didn't seem to even meet the swap size requirements. Maybe that is me being silly and for that crafter it did meet the requirements but I don't know, more always seems to be better when swapping. I love Crafster but I am going to take a swap break for a while and concentrate on making some things for myself, the kids, friends, and for the holidays. Okay there I am done with my mini rant. Sorry for any other Crafsters who may not agree....

1 comment:

  1. I'm lucky to have never been flaked on, but I HAVE experienced those packages that just barely met the swap requirement. One swap that I was really looking forward to ended up being pretty....disappointing. I basically gave one thing to my brother, and took another thing apart for supplies.

    Hopefully I can lift your swapping spirits with that angel package! I just finished one of your themes last night, and I'm pretty sure that you will love it!

    P.S. this is JanelleJ from craftster


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