

I am trying to prepare for Halloween this year but it has yet to really feel like fall here. Just last weekend the high was 88, I guess that's fall weather for Phoenix. Tomorrow it is supposed to finally be cold with a high of 62 but again by Saturday we will be in the 80's. The house has been decorated, the kids have picked out costumes, and we have gone to the pumpkin patch but I still just don't feel it. I think I need to watch It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. Do they even show that on TV anymore?

We will be carving pumpkins on Saturday after the JDRF walk and I plan to get the kids out trick or treating around 5:30 and then will be passing out candy at my own house for the first time ever. I am even going to kinda sorta dress up which is not something I normally do. I think it will make the kiddo's happy though. Sunday is going to be dedicated to un-decorating the house! I am quite glad I am not expected to decorate for Thanksgiving (which I don't think I am even going to celebrate this year)

So I do like helping the kids go through all their treats and helping the to eat them and I love seeing all the costumes.

I went and saw Paranormal Activity on Friday and I had really high hopes to be scared out of my mind but nope. I was bored out of my mind. 1 hour and 39 minutes of my life that have been wasted. This movie could have actually been good had there been more focus on the spooky stuff and less on the mundane lives of these people. The two actors were completely annoying which didn't help anything. What has happened to scary movies? They are all either PG13 and super lame or R and just gross. Movies in general have turned to crap for the most part. Does no one out there have an orginal idea?? Seems like every movie is either based on a book, an old TV show, a toy, or is your standard romcom/action/stupid funny movie. I will give credit and say that District 9 was original and it was GOOD! Can you think of any other ORIGINAL movies that have come out lately?

I am reading a book called House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III and it is fabulous. Check it out if you can. I will be sending this one up to my dad to check out cause it's so good I gotta share.

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