
Halloween 2009

We had a busy Halloween weekend. Friday evening the kids went to the fall festival at Adia's school and came home with lots of goodies. They won the cake walk 3 times! Just what we need the day before Halloween are more treats!

Saturday we woke up early and went to the JDRF walk, I will do another post on that later. Then we carved our pumpkins (thanks Tiff for the free pumpkins!) went to Grandmas to show off the costumes and then trick or treating. There weren't a lot of people out in our neighborhood but that just meant that people were giving out handfuls of cand. We now have a huge bowl full at home plus all the stuff that Ryan bought that we didn't get to hand out. We will probably have candy until next Halloween.
Here is Landon in his boxer costume putting up his dukes! He was punching people and telling them he was just practicing for Halloween!
Adia was a pretty witch this year. She has a hard time choosing costumes but she did good this year. She kept flashing her undies to everyone when pulling up her tights all night. After we went around the neighborhood we hung out in front of the house and the kids passed out candy to the few kids we had come by. It was a fun night over all!

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