
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that everyone has a wonderful day filled with family, food, and fun. This year I have a lot to be thankful for. I have come a long ways since last Thanksgiving when I was newly separated from my husband and my kids were still reeling from all the changes. This year my kids and I have come through all the difficulties and are all happy and healthy. I have learned to become the person I have always wanted to be. I have a new someone in my life who is all I could have asked for. I have wonderful friends some old and some new. I have a job. I have a home and am able to provide for my kids. I am prepared to give my kids a GREAT Christmas this year. The only thing I am sad about today is that I can't be with my family who lives in Montana or with my sister on her 21st Birthday. Oh well. I will get to see and spend time with my family who lives here that I don't get to see enough. Tomorrow I will be braving the black Friday crowds, wish me luck!

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