
Old Friends

I got to have lunch on Sunday with some friends that I haven't seen in 4-5 years and it was so nice to see them, get and give hugs, and do some catching up! I hope that it isn't another 4-5 years before I see them again!

Oh and for my blog readers, stay tuned, I am going to be doing my first ever giveaway! Remember the new scrabble tile pendants? Well I made a few more and have decided that I want to share one with someone! Stay tuned for more info!

The Weekender

Our local libraries have a wonderful program that allows you to check out a pass for four people to go to local museums and zoos. It's called a Culture Pass and it's wonderful. There are only 5 passes per library per location so you have to do some reasearch to make sure you can get the pass you want. Well we got a pass to the Arizona Science Center and took Adia since Landon is still in Texas. I didn't get a lot of photos cause we were so busy playing! The only drawback was that there was a Lego building thing going on and we had to wait in line for 45 minutes to get in the dang center! But they did have these super Lego statues!

I am going to try to get passes to the Natural History Museum next. I haven't been there and really want to take the kids. Besides the price is right with the Culture Pass, FREE! Can't beat that!


It's all about me!

So I have seen on some other blogs there are postings with random facts about the blogger. Well good timing since I happen to have some random facts about me that I was going to use in the 100 facts about me swap that I didn't actually do. So without further ado, I would like to introduce you to me....

1. I have two kids Adia 9, and Landon 5
2. I have a boyfriend named Ryan
3. I live in Phoenix, AZ
4. I love earrings especially dangly ones
5. My friends all think I am kinda weird, not sure why.....
6. My favorite flower is a daisy
7. I am obsessed with having clean feet. I can't walk outside barefoot without feeling gross.
8. I watch a lot crap TV, as in reality shows from MTV....
9. My favorite TV show is Friday Night Lights and it makes me teary at least once every episode
10. I also really like Lost
11. I am from Montana and would love to live there again but don't think I could handle the winters
12. I look up to my little sister, she stays true to herself and is truly one of a kind
13. I love that my kids can show me the world through the eyes of a child again
14. I think my daughter Adia saved my life
15. I love that my son Landon is a mama's boy and I kinda hope he stays that way!
16. I am trying to get motivated to get my butt in shape
17. I have found that I really really like South Park and I never thought I would
18. My boyfriend Ryan has a way of getting me to try new things and has helped me broaden my horizons in so many ways (such as watching South Park)
19. I like silly socks, especially toe socks
20. In the winter people make fun of me for wearing mittens and a beanie all the time cause we live in Phoenix (sorry people I get cold!)
21. I am a bit neurotic and make a lot of lists and like things to be organized
22. I hate my name and always have. When I was kid there was never anything with my name on it and everyone always calls me Wendy or Lindsay...
23. I kinda now feel bad that my daughter will probably have the same name issues
24. I LOVE to shop, even for just groceries, but I am super cheap. I always pick stuff up then put it back. I have shopper remorse!
25. I sound like Tickle Me Elmo when I giggle
26. I wish I could have houseplants or flowers or something but I inevitably kill everything
27. I figure the sparklier it is the better
28. I hate driving, it makes me nervous especially at night or highway driving
29. I like free stuff. If it's free I want it even if I don't need it
30. I dye my hair
31. I don't eat ketchup, mustard, mayo, or really most condiments
32. I am scared sh*tless of grasshoppers
33. I like to hold snakes, it makes me feel dangerous
34. I have a massive collection of nail polish and chapsticks and keep adding to it all the time
35. I love pink, black, and silver
36. I have a weird thing for bacon and all things bacon
37. In real life I am scared of birds but love them when it comes to jewelry, clothing, etc.
38. I used to like the beach, then I hated the beach, now I like it again.
39. I am in desparate need of things to hang on my walls in my house
40. I am a jewelry addict
41. I am a fool for tattoos. I have seven and more on the way. My fave tattoo designs are sparrows and the sacred heart (these are actually my next tattoos i hope!)
42. I love Disney. Tinkerbell, Pooh, Tigger, Nightmare Before Christmas
43. Skulls are always a good accessory!
44. I work at a desk job
45. I love to read.
46. I like to watch movies. I love to go to the movies but find it to be so expensive so we usually wait for the DVD to come out
47. I like to take pictures even though my camera sucks
48. I like to play Wii especially the Mario games
49. I loved Kingdom Hearts but no longer have a playstation
50. I am addicted to good smelling lotions
51. I like candles that smell yummy
52. I love chocolate, dark chocolate covered caramels, peanut butter cups, and marshmallows
53. I envy people who can draw/paint and crochet and knit
54. I love interesting photography
55. I never think my crafty stuff is good!
56. I like old books so that I can cut them up and use the pictures to papercraft
57. I like to cook and bake but I hate doing the dishes
58. I hate the scent of vanilla
59. I like Alice in Wonderland, the original artwork and the Disney Cheshire cat
60. I like cloth headbands cause they don’t hurt my head
61. cupcakes, mmmmm yummo!
62. I like things that are tiny
63. I like butterflies
64. I like Dunny’s (www.kidrobot.com) and I collect them
65. I like big cinnamon bears ( I like to bite their heads off)
66. White cheddar cheese popcorn is one of my favorite snacks
67. I like ice tea. Peach and lemon mint green tea
68. I love Sharpies
69. I adore stuffies and ami’s and wish I could crochet
70. I want to learn to bind books
80. I am a wist addict. I am always adding things to my wist.
81. I like picture frames
82. I like bags and purses
83. I am a music lover and my taste ranges from country to rock to Disney soundtracks
84. I wish it was spring all year round so I can leave my house windows open and drive with the windows down
85. I hate the big butt I inherited from my moms side of the family!
86. I like slippers in the winter
87. I like dresses but never seem to wear them
88. My favorite Disney movie is the Little Mermaid and favorite regular movie is My Life
89. I like beanie style hats
90. Big chunky rings = love
91. I live in tank tops and flip flops when not at work
92. I am always on the lookout for neat note cards
93. I like vintagy chicken type kitchen stuff
94. I have been trying to workout using Yoga Booty Ballet
95. My favorite place to eat is Valle Luna but only cause I love their salsa
96. I could eat Chick Fil A every day
97. My celeb crush is Taylor Kitsch from Friday Night Lights and X-Men Origins
98. Robots and dinosaurs are cool
99. I like stickers with funny sayings
100. I have a whole list of things to craft for myself but I never get around to doing it, I always make stuff for swaps.
101. I like stars and things with stars on them
102. I like black and white photos
103. Mario and Luigi are the coolest brothers around. I think I should open a pizza joint named Mario Bros.
104. I love hoodies
105. My favorite fruits are pineapple and peach
106. I love big sunglasses
107. Sugar scrubs for the shower are one of the best inventions
108. I like Pop Culture and celebrity gossip. I would love a collage based on this for my craft room
109. I am in love with scarves now that I have figured out how to wear them
110. Crafty items of food with smiley faces make me smile!
111. I support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

I am seeing stars

I bought these earwires about a year ago. They came equipped with three spots all ready to be embellished with my own dangly ideas. I have looked and looked at them but could never decide what I wanted to add. Well on Saturday while browsing at my favorite bead store I found these awesome star charms. I am loving these earrrings!

The Golden Snitch

If you are a Harry Potter fan then you know what the Golden Snitch is. If not, then what's wrong with you?? Why haven't you read Harry Potter yet? The Golden Snitch is a flying gold ball that is used in the game of Quidditch. These are my Golden Snitch earrings.

Bicone Beauty

Love this bracelet. I am considering making some more and seeing if I could actually sell them. I found some websites where I can get the materials at a fair price. I am not sure what to ask for them though? Opinions??



I haven't done a craft swap in a while but decided to sign up for the Jar of Whimsies. I love little stuff and have plenty of it to share. We actually had to craft a few whimsies to add to our jars and these are the things that I made.
Some ribbon wrapped barrettes, mini envelopes with tiny cards, domino earrings, and matchbook notebooks.
The embroidered pin up girl is the top of my "jar" which is actually a small box. Can you tell my partner likes pin up girls?


For my little valentines

I made this awesome shirt for my little stud muffin to wear on Valentines day and Adia made her own using a pair of PJ pants as her inspiration.

Welcome to my new addiction

Resin! The possibilites are endless with resin. I am still working through the quirks and finding out what works and what doesn't. These are all the pieces I have finished (and have turned out) from my first two tries at working with this new medium. It is stinky, messy, and requires quite a bit of preparation but I love it! Just what I needed, another craft. I sometimes think if I could just concentrate on doing one thing I would become awesome at it and maybe be able to have my own business selling it. But no, I have craft ADD and seem to like to swap and trade my stuff away.