
The Weekender

Our local libraries have a wonderful program that allows you to check out a pass for four people to go to local museums and zoos. It's called a Culture Pass and it's wonderful. There are only 5 passes per library per location so you have to do some reasearch to make sure you can get the pass you want. Well we got a pass to the Arizona Science Center and took Adia since Landon is still in Texas. I didn't get a lot of photos cause we were so busy playing! The only drawback was that there was a Lego building thing going on and we had to wait in line for 45 minutes to get in the dang center! But they did have these super Lego statues!

I am going to try to get passes to the Natural History Museum next. I haven't been there and really want to take the kids. Besides the price is right with the Culture Pass, FREE! Can't beat that!

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