

It's my first ever giveaway! I have been making tons of these scrabble tile pendants and want to share one with you!

If you win you will get your choice of one of the three pictured tiles or a dictionary tile with the word of your choice. I will also include a colored ball chain of your choice. The colors are silver, black, pink, purple, and green. Don't worry I will make sure to pop a bail on before I send to you!
This is an easy one, to enter just become a follower of my blog and leave me a relevant comment. If you are already a follower then just leave me a comment letting me know! Make sure I have a way to contact you in case you win.
Winners will be chosen on Wednesday. Good Luck!


  1. I just added you to my google reader....does that count as following? I love the idea of the dictionary word, what a great way to make it personal.


  2. How fun are these?! I love 'em! I'm a follower, too!

  3. I'm already a follower I've just never commented:)
    Shh I'm a ninja:)I wasn't here lol

  4. I'm also a follower who has just never commented. I love the scrabble tile pendants though, and the idea of a dictionary word. Mine would be kerfuffled. I love that word. lol

  5. I am your newest follower and I LOVE these tiles!!! Thanks for doing this!

    laceythames (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. I am a new follower - those are cute!

  7. I love the the bottom pendant with the flowers. :D

  8. I'm a new follower! (I found you through Craftster.)

    Nice giveaway :)


  9. I'm a new follower!! Love the pendant!!

  10. OOo I am a follower of your blog and all your crafts :)I would love to have more of your necklaces the ones I got from our personal swap get me so many compliments all the time!

  11. now follower! Love the rose one the best probably with a black or a pink ball chain!

    diva2129 at yahoo dot com

  12. Following now from FF! Your crafts are precious, I enjoyed exploring, and look furward to further exploration. :O)

  13. I am a follower. These pendants are so cute! I loved your heart thought very unique!


I love comments! Unfortunately I can't figure out how to reply to them....but I really do read them!