
Happy Easter

I was pretty bad this year and didn't take a lot of pictures. In fact these are the only two I did take! Easter Sunday was hectic and I was tired after the kids woke me up at 6:00 AM excited about the Easter Bunny's visit to our house. They then proceeded to start eating the candy!
We dyed eggs on Saturday night. Landon and Adia both got a little practice beforehand at the sitter's and grandma's houses. We colored our eggs put out our carrots and the next morning the kids had full baskets and an egg hunt around the house. We went to some friends house where they had their second hunt of the day. Then on to Grandmas where they had their third hunt. Then they went next door and had a fourth hunt. Adia of course did a bit better in the hunts than Landon but he didn't seem to care. They both have WAY more candy then we need around the house. I will be sending quite a bit over to their dad's house this weekend since I know he will help them eat it. Hope everyone else had a safe and fun Easter!

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