
Mmmmm Tacos

I like tacos but I never liked making them at home. The pre-made shells were always yuck and the taco seasoning mix tastes like crap. Also I prefer shredded beef tacos to ground beef ones. Give me a mini taco basket from Valle Luna any day over my own homemade crap!

Thanks to some help from Tiffy I have now learned to make taco's that taste (almost) as good as at a Mexican joint. Usually on a Sunday I will make a roast in my Crock Pot and will always have quite a bit left over. So I have started shredding it up and using the leftovers for tacos on Monday. To reheat my already shredded beef, I put a bit of water in a skillet, add my meat and seasoning (garlic powder, cumin, onion salt) and turn it to medium-low. Stir every few minutes.

Now what really make these taco's great are the homemade shells that Tiffy taught me to cook. They are so easy to do and so worth the time. First heat some oil in a skillet on medium heat (enough to cover a tortilla), then you take a small corn tortilla....

Lay it flat your oil for about 10-15 seconds then flip it over for another 10-15 seconds

Next take your tongs and fold it over to form a taco shell. Hold it here until that side is brown and crisp. Then using your tongs, flip it over and cook the other side. You will need to use your tongs to hold the shell open otherwise you will not be able to stuff the shell with fillings later.
Mmmm yummy crisp taco shells! Everyone in my house loves the way these turn out. You can also make tortilla chips the same way except just cut the tortillas prior to putting in the oil and turn them frequently.


  1. Now I'm hungry for tacos!! Cute blog! Come visit sometime!!

  2. Yum! I'm tired of our homemade tacos too! Every time Josh says its taco night I cringe!


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