

I have been wanting to learn to crochet FOREVER! I have tried to learn 4-5 times in the last 2-3 years and it has never gone well..... I could start a chain and I figured out how to add to the chain using a single crochet stitch but my attempted projects always ended up with missed stitches and would get narrower and narrower as I went on. I knew that I didn't have the patience to sit and count my stiches over and over and over and figured how hard can this be? You get to the end of the row and you turn and start a new one??? Right??? WRONG!!!! At least for me it was wrong. After actually learning some basics I figured out where I had been going wrong and how I kept missing stitches. I used some help from YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/show?p=Nf83vF1w3bU&s=1 and a little practice and I have finally mastered the single crochet!!!! Here is my first ever completed crochet project. Who knew I would be so excited over a washcloth!
I am now in the process of learning/mastering the double crochet stitch. Good thing Teresa has great YouTube videos to help me along.
Oh and thanks to all my new followers who came around from Friday Follow!


  1. Cute! I used to crochet when I was younger, but have been knitting more these days. I tried relearning how to crochet about a year ago, but found it so difficult! My sister is the opposite - she crochets, but can't knit. LOL

  2. I can only crochet I cannot knit! I love crochet look though it is more home-made looking. I think it comes down to whichever you teach yourself first seems to be what is the one that comes easiest. I have trouble with holding the yarn and needles at the same time in knit but I make crochet projects without even looking at my hands!


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