
Cute as a Button Giveaway!

I created two more super cute button pendants with resin. I love how the different shades of blue and pink play off each other. Well since I can't wear both of them I want to share. So here's your chance to win your choice of one of these two pendants.

*required entry* If you aren't a follower yet become one and leave a comment to let me know. If you are already a follower leave me a comment.

You can get an extra entry by exploring my blog and letting me know what your favorite item is or what you think I should put in my upcoming Etsy shop.

I will pick a winner on Sunday May 23rd. I will contact the winner on Sunday, you will have 48 hours to respond or the prize will go to someone else.

Good Luck!


  1. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a super weekend. I was already following you, so I'd like to enter your giveaway!

    Groschen Goblins

  2. I love these pendants, so I am posting to enter. I have to say though that some of my favorite pieces are the scrabble tile pendants with dictionary entries.

  3. Hi just letting you know i just started to follow you blog and you are grate at doing resin and it was to hard to pick a favorite you do such lovely stuff but i do love the glittery hearts

  4. Hi! New follower here! :) I LOVE your scrabble tile pendants- what do you use them for? So cute. I would definitely add those to your etsy shop if you haven't already.

    Excited to see what you come up with! Love your bog.

    Megan from


  5. Wow, you are sooo crafty! I love all of your pendents.

  6. I am a follower.
    Stop by my blog amamas2centsworth.blogspot.com and check out my giveaway.
    Thanks for the giveaway you do great work.
    nscrofan at rogers dot com

  7. I love those pendants!! They are so cute.

  8. Those are adorable... I want them both... I am a new follower!

  9. I think I love the Alice items and you would soooo get orders for them online with the new movie and all! My favorite is the painting the roses red barrettes!

  10. Love your blog. I just saw those rolls. Can't wait to try to make those. I am a new follower.

  11. I love that you post everything from your life. what your children do, what recipes you and your family like, etc. Love it! Keep it up!


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