
Finally some pendant trays to play with

I have been wanting to play with pendant trays and resin forever. They are a little easier to work with than scrabble tiles because the have raised edges, no more overspill! They also already have a hoop attached so I don't have to glue on a bail. As you can see on the diamond pendant it looks as if the photo wasn't sealed well enough and there are some dark spots on the bottom....hmmm I guess I will have to Mod Podge the heck out of the next batch. There will be more as I have 10-12 more trays. I also purchased some other sized trays that I am going to experiment with soon. Please let me know if you like these new pendants!
I think this skull is my favorite out of this batch

I also quite like this butterfly.


  1. The colors in the butterfly are gorgeous!

  2. Found you through Craftster! I love the Alice one, it's my fave. Makes me want to try resin!

  3. Awesome job - totally gorgeous! Stopping by from Friday Follow - great to meet you. Hope you'll stop by for a visit.


  4. These pendants are really cute, thanks for sharing. I am a new follower from Friday Follow, so glad to have found your blog. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  5. Love them...I am not a big skull person, but that skull is awesome.


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