
Mmmm Egg Rolls

Mmmm egg rolls. I love egg rolls. It's one of my favorite parts of getting chinese takeout. I had never considered making them at home until I met Ryan. He made them for me and I am now and forever ruined on all other egg rolls. I won't even eat more than a bite of one that I get from a resturaunt now. Ryan makes THE BEST egg rolls ever. I have friends who beg us to make the egg rolls.
Ryan always makes the meat. There are no specific measurements for any of the ingredients. Ground pork, fresh ginger, minced garlic, and onion. Fry it all up and toss with a bag or two of coleslaw mix. We like to use the broccoli mix.

You will also need egg roll wrappers. I like the ones the sell at Sprouts.
(These are not them and I complained the whole time)

To seal them you need a mix of flour and water "glue".

Lay your wrapper out, put in some of the meat mixture, use your glue around the edges.

You kind of make like a little envelope looking thing to start.

Then you roll it up tight

Wrapping all the egg rolls it messy and time consuming. If you live where it's warm do not stack the egg rolls on top of each other or they will stick together and the wrappers will tear.

My job is to wrap and Ryan frys them up. I am sure you can bake them but I am not sure how to do that. We are unhealthy :)



  1. I too love egg rolls. A way to make them not stick is to dust them with flour while you are stacking and wrapping. I like making crab puffs and that is what I do so they don't stick to each other.

    Visiting by way of Get your craft on Tuesday.

    Makaz Home

  2. Hiya! I love egg rolls too, I never ever thought of making my own. This is a really great post. They look so so yummy! We all can be a bit unhealthy at times, that's the spice of life!! haha


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