
Mmmm Nothing Smells Like Homemade Bread

I made this super easy, super tasty no knead bread over the weekend. I have been eyeing the recipe on Craftster for a while now. You can find the orginal recipe here.

I only made half the recipe as I didn't want to waste dough....

You will need:

4 cups of warm (105-115 degrees F) water
7 cups of all purpose flour
1 package of yeast
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. salt

Add the sugar and salt to your warm water. Stir the yeast into this warm water mixture then let it sit for about 5 minutes. It will become a little foamy on top, like this....
This is how you know the yeast is working :)

Start adding your flour
The first 4 cups first, then add the remaining three cups one at a time. It will form a sticky dough.

Cover and let set in a warm spot for 2 two hours to rise. You will need a large bowl if making the whole recipe.

After the two hours just pop the covered bowl in the fridge for at least 3 hours or overnight. I left mine in over night and see how it fell?

Scoop out 1/4 (or half) the dough and form into a loaf onto a greased cookie sheet. The dough is sticky so flour up your hands!
Do the same to make a second loaf.

Let the dough rest at room temp for 30 minutes. Preheat your oven to 450 then turn down to 350 and put the dough in. Bake for 55 minutes.

So super tasty!!! If you make the entire dough recipe you can pop the remainder in the the fridge and use it for up to five days to bake fresh loaves or you can make all the loaves and freeze the leftovers. Per the orginal recipe writer you can reheat the dough by popping a frozen loaf into a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes.
Hope you enjoy!!!

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1 comment:

  1. That looks pretty super easy!! Thank you for sharing this!
    Visiting from Cheri's Spotlight party. :)


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