
Friday Fix- Fast Gift

This is a really quick and easy gift to give to someone with kids. It's a kit to make applesauce cinnamon Christmas ornaments. I got the idea from a fellow Craftster sally1019

You will need:

  1. A tea towel, I got mine from the $1 store or any gift bag will do
  2. A single serveing of applesauce. I got a 4 pack at the $1 store
  3. I included 1/2 cup of cinnamon. Again 1 large container from the $1 store was enough for two gifts
  4. A cookie cutter. I purchased a 5 pack of cutters from the $1 store
  5. Ribbon
  6. The recipe

I used the tea towel and sewed it into a gift bag. I jumped right in rather than thinking it through. I will give a mini tute below if needed.

Measure out 1/2 cup cinnamon and put it in a baggie.

Place all the items in your gift bag and tie closed with the ribbon.

I attached the recipe to the ribbon.

To make the dough:
Mix equal parts of applesauce and cinnamon.
If dough is too moist add a little cinnamon and if too dry add a little more applesauce.
Start mixing with spoon then use your hands.
Roll 1/4" thick and cut with cookie cutter.
Use a straw to make the hole for hanging.
Let dry for 3-4 days or you can cook in oven at 150 for 1 hour.

To make the bag from a tea towel:
Open towel and cut in half widthwise
Using the bottom half of the towel (the piece with the design)
Fold in half right sides together
Sew up only the side of towel (if you have dangly things on the bottom, if not sew the side and bottom. Turn right side out and you are done)
Turn right side out and sew across the bottom being careful not to sew the pom poms into the bag (which I did on one of the bags I made, oops)

Easy Peasy!

I have decided that I really need a new camera to start taking nice photos of the things I want to post!

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handmade projects

Creations by Kara


  1. Really Cute! A friend and I made those applesauce and cinnamon ornaments one year. We had tons of fun.

  2. Hopping!

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