
Happy Birthday to you *sniff sniff*

10 years, a whole decade. Wow it really seems to fly by. I was only 19 and kinda scared. Now I am 29, you are 10 and still kinda scared but for different reasons. 10 years from now I will be 39 you will be 20 and I will hopefully be over the fear......

Exatly 10 years ago I had been a brand new first time mom for about an hour. I was in the recovery room waiting to really get to hold my brand new daughter for the first time. She was getting weighed and cleaned and checked out. 7 lbs 2 oz and just perfect.

After we got home from the hospital there were a lot of sleepless nights. This child never slept!

That first year went by so fast! The next thing I know I have a smiling, walking, talking little girl with a crazy stubborn personality!

What a little trouble maker she was. Getting into everything! She formed her own opinions at a very early age and there was no stopping her! There still isn't!
Everyone always told me that she wasn't cute, she was beautiful with her big blue eyes and gorgeous curly hair.

That super cute smile and little giggle that warms my heart to hear it.

Suddenly you weren't a little girl anymore. I see so much of me in you and I'm glad. I hope you will grow up and continue to be smart and independent even if it means that we will continue to butt heads.

Now you are 10 and on the cusp of being a teenager. I think I am more scared about that than I was 10 years ago waiting for you to be born!

Adia, thank you for the last 10 years. You have helped make my life worth living and I am proud to be your mama. All the sleepness nights were worth it! Through the ups and downs that we have been through to the ones that I am sure we will go through, don't ever forget that I love you and always will.
Happy Birthday Peanut!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, those eyes! She is independant indeed :) Happy Birthday Adia!


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