

Stockings are pretty self explanatory. Here are three that I have made in the last two years. They are time consuming since every little sequin and felt piece is sewn on by hand along with all the embroidery. I love the way they turn out but don't do them that often because I get bored working on the same thing for such a long time. I have been making a felt advent calendar for over a year now and have the intentions of making stockings for each of my kids. Ahh maybe next year....
This is the most recent stocking I have made. It was for my partner in the 12 Days of Christmas mini swap.

This Cinderella stocking was made as a gift for one of my cousins girls.

This was the first stocking I made and it was for the 12 Days of Christmas mini swap in 2008. I think this is actually my favorite of all the stockings.

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