
Drop a Love Bomb

Once a week we come together to drop a Love Bomb (in the form of blog comments) for those who need some love.
It doesn't take much time and costs nothing to send a little online love to someone in need.

This week the Love Bomb is going out to Sonia. Please visit her blog You Win Some You Lose Some and leave a comment.
Sonia is going through something that I couldn't even imagine.  Actually I don't choose to even think about things like this but it does happen.  Every day, and yes it could happen to me or you.  Sonia is a single mother who's 4 year old daughter Ann has a brain tumor.  There is no cure and it is not responding to treatment.  She is currently in hospice care.  So please even if you don't leave a comment at least send some love, prayers, good juju, or whatever you believe in their way.

Also if you would like to recieve Love Bomb emails once a week please sign up here.

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I love comments! Unfortunately I can't figure out how to reply to them....but I really do read them!