
Crochet Baby Hat with Flower Clippy

This project was a double score for me!  First I actually crocheted a hat and second I actually followed a pattern in order to crochet said hat!  Usually my attempts at anything that is not shaped like a square or rectangle fail.  Granted this was a very simple pattern and I did have a little help from a friend but I still did it all by myself! 

The only thing wrong with it is that it's too big for the intended recipieant....I think I may have used a hook that was too large.

Thank you Skip to My Lou for providing me with the pattern and how to for the flower.

So you will need some yarn, a crochet hook, and this pattern to make the hat.
For the flowers you will need silk flowers of your choosing (I mixed up two that I got at the $1 store), ribbon, hair clip, button or jewel, hot glue gun, and some glue.
Make your hat
No step by step instructions for the flowers here cause it's pretty simple but if you want them head on over to Skip to my Lou.
Take apart your silk flowers
Use the hot glue to put em back together how you want
Glue a jewel or button to the center
Use the hot glue to cover your barrette or hair clip with ribbon
Take a leaf from the flower stem and glue one side to the back of the flower, stick your open clip down and glue the leaf to the other side of the clip securing the clip between the glued sides.
Clip on to the hat. 
The flower is removeable and can be worn by itself too!

Happy Crafting

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