

Stenciled shirts seem to be my fall back craft for every swap!  Seems that everyone wants a shirt of some sort and I just happen to know how to stencil shirts. 

This one was made for the March Birthday swap and the person is a fan of Big Bang Theory. I am not familiar with the show myself but kinda like this phrase all the same. 
I was not happy with how this shirt came out.  First off I wanted to use a red shirt but couldn't find one.  Second the Yudu ink I used just looks funny.  It was supposed to be  yellow, not gold with yellow streaks.

 So since I was unhappy with that shirt I made a second attempt.  I used a different colored tee that I just happened to have and a different font for the shirt.  It's hard to screw up black ink and so I like this attempt much better.
This next shirt was made in the Ongoing Wish Swap.  Not a whole heck of a lot too it but it's super cute!

There was supposed to be a second shirt to go along with this NERD one but my attempt at bleach stenciling didn't work so well.  I am going to have to try it again one of these days....

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