
Button Hoopla

Seems like I have been away from the blog forever!  We bought a house, moved, and then went on a long weekend getaway not too long after the moving craziness.  I feel like I haven't slowed down in over a month! 

Even though I haven't unpacked all of my craft room yet I have made a few things for swaps.  Seems like everyone (including me) wants hoops of some sort in the Ongoing Wish Swap I do every month.  I can embroider a bit, but I am really liking some of the hoops that involve more than just stitches. 

This particular hoop was on a wish list and seemed like something I could easily do.  I ordered the right colored buttons and just happened to have the perfect cloth.  Adia even helped me place some of the buttons. The only thing I wish I had done was maybe dye the hoop to be blue or green. 

So here you have my Seahorse Button Hoopla.

Now I need to find something to do with all the left over green and blue buttons I have!  Any ideas?


  1. It's AWESOME!! Great job. Love all the cooling colors you picked.

  2. I love to do crafts and have been searching for an idea for the buttons that were handed down from my Grandmother. What a great idea to use them in a hoop.
    Thanks SEW much.


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