
Foodie Friday-Cauliflower Pizza Crust

I have seen cauliflower crust pizza all over Pinterest and just had to try it out for myself since I am trying to eat better.

First I used my hand chopper thing to "rice" the cauliflower

Here is what it looks like after being chopped to bits. Microwave it for 4-6 minutes. No water or anything needed...

I then measured out 1 cup of cheese and mixed in about 1/4 with the cauliflower and 1 egg white (I made a personal size pizza, adjust amounts depending on how big you make it)
spread the "crust" onto an oiled pan

and bake at 450 for 8-10 minutes (I would have baked mine a bit longer cause I like a crisp crust.) Top with sauce of your choice and remaining cheese and toppings.

Bake for an additional 10 minutes (or broil to make it faster) till cheese is all melty and good!

I was pleasantly surprised at how well this turned out. Does it taste exactly like normal pizza crust? No, but pretty darn close! Next time all I will do differently is cook it a bit longer to make it a bit more crisp and add in some extra seasoning to the cauliflower mix.

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