
Foodie Friday-Homemade Lettuce Wraps

I am making an effort to get into better shape and eat healthier this year.  I am going to do this by trying to cook healthier meals at home, be more aware of what is in food we purchase at the store, make better choices when we do go out to eat, and finally get to working out on a consistant basis.  

I tend to struggle with eating healthier because I feel like I am missing out on some of my favorite (very unhealthy) foods.  Thanks to Pinterest and the Eat This, Not That books I am finding healthy alternatives and even cooking some of them myself!

I love the lettuce wraps at Pei Wei but I shudder to think of the nutritional content.  In fact I don't even want to know!  So I made some at home and you know what??  I think they were better than the ones from the Pei Wei!  

I looked at a recipe I found while pinning (my life away) and used it as a basis for mine.

You will need:
1 lb of ground turkey
A head of cabbage (or iceberg lettuce)
1/4- 1/2 cup Low Sodium Soy Sauce
1-2 tsp Rice Vinegar
1-2 tsp Sriracha Sauce (AKA Rooster Sauce)
1 tsp Honey
 1/2 of a Chopped White Onion
2 TBSP Minced Garlic

I didn't use exact measurements.  I kind of just threw this together and it worked!  The amounts above are estimates.  Use what you like to suit your or your family's tastes!  Be warned the Rooster Sauce adds quite a kick!
 First brown your turkey and cook until there is no more pink
 Combine the Soy Sauce, Vinegar, Rooster Sauce, a little honey, onion and garlic.
Add to cooked turkey and stir until combined

Separate the cabbage leaves, add your meat and any other toppings you choose (we had steamed broccoli and crunchy noodles), and eat!
These were REALLY good!  Even the kids ate them up.  We will for sure be adding this into our regular dinner rotation!
This is based off a recipe found at A Small Snippet
in case you want exact measurements of stuff (but that's no fun!)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE lettuce wraps but I've never tried to make them at home. This looks like a fun and tasty meal. Thanks for the idea.


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