
Roasted Chickpeas

Or should I say roasted Garbanzo Beans?  They are the same thing so why do they have two different names?  I am going to have to look it up...
Anyway, in my quest to eat better I decided to try these roasted bits of healthy-ness and see if they were any good.  I have never actually eaten these beans but from what I understand they are really good for you.  I am not sure if cooking them detracts from the good stuff though...

You will need:
1 Can of garbanzo beans
1 1/2 tsp olive oil
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp chili paprika
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp cumin

Preheat the oven to 400 
Drain, rinse, and dry the beans
Mix the olive oil and spices
Toss spice mixture with the beans
Bake for 20 minutes, toss, then bake for an additional 20 minutes

Super easy and they remind me of Corn Nuts without all the ingredients I can't pronounce....

Original recipe can be found at Our Best Bites

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to tell me if you find out the difference between garbonzo and chick peas :). These look tasty!


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