
Raptor and Names Hooplas

These two hooplas were made for a claim I made in the Ongoing Pinterest Swap.  My partner had pinned the Clever Girl hoop from dandeliondog.  Since I didn't want to completely copy the original I didn't do all the lovely designs around the raptor.  I still wanted to have a little something extra so did I some of the lines around her head in purple.  I loved Jurassic Park the book and the movie.  This was one of my favorite parts/lines in the movie and so I had a hard time sending this away.  

The second hoop was also pinned and has her and her sweeties name. 

I used a back stitch on both with a wee bit of satin stitch on the raptor.


  1. I LOVE this! LOVE IT! Would have been really hard to send that away.

  2. AAhhhh!! I love the raptor hoop! Pure awesome, Lindy!


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