
Foodie Friday-Roasted Zucchini & Squash

I tried two new recipes this week, well one new recipe and a variation on an old one.  I tried a new way of roasting my favorite veggies and a new way of making fried chicken tenders.

I had some zucchini and summer squash sitting in the fridge and it needed to be used before it ended up getting tossed out.  We use these two veggies when we cook all the time.  I have sauteed them with garlic and olive oil, grilled them on skewers, and roasted them with sausage & potatoes.  I found this recipe on (of course) Pinterest and I am glad that I did!  

This came together with 4 ingredients and about 2 minutes time.  I must say this is now one of my favorite ways to roast these veggies.  Unfortunately neither of my kids will touch them but I guess that just means more for the adults!

You should totally try this one!  Check out Clean Eating Recipes for the recipe.  You can thank me for sharing this with you later.

We'll talk chicken next week......


Stenciled Baby Shirts

I made these two stenciled shirts for the Ongoing Wish Swap.  These were made for a 1 year old boy.  I love both but wish that I could have found shirts without the pockets, especially for the Muggle Born shirt.  

The Muggle Born is my favorite one of the two and I think I need to make a shirt for myself that just says Muggle on it!


Manic Monday

Felt Badges from Quaggy in the Ongoing Wish Swap


Foodie Friday-Chicken Fajita's

Once again one of my favorite cooking blogs Mel's Kitchen Cafe has come through with one of the best recipes!  I love fajitas and used to ALWAYS order them when I went to eat a Mexican place.  I tried and tried but could never replicate the restaurant taste at home.  These don't taste like restaurant fajitas either, they actually taste better than some I have paid $15 for! 

The meat is so flavorful it would be good all on it's own.  The list of ingredients looks REALLY long but I had everything except the liquid smoke already in my pantry.  I also thought that using Soy Sauce in a Mexican dish was a little odd but it all works out.

I followed the marinade recipe to a T but I didn't follow the fajita part of the recipe.  I used some chicken broth and water to caramelize the onions and soften the bell peppers.  I didn't put any other seasonings/sauces in with it.  We used whole grain tortillas with a bit of cheese, salsa, meat, and the onion/pepper mix to make some world class fajitas at home.

You can find the original recipe for Mel's Best Chicken Fajitas here.

Check out what else I have been cooking by checking out my I Tried These Recipes Board on Pinterest


Snitch Necklace

Ahh I love me some Harry Potter and pretty much everything to do with it.  I know that need more Harry in my life!  I also enjoy sharing the Harry goodness with others which is why I made this Snitch necklace in the Ongoing Pinterest Swap.

I had received a similar necklace from a previous swap and used it as an example.  I found the wings and golden ball/locket on Etsy.  I had to use a tool to poke additional holes in the wings then I put it all together.  I am pretty sure it has been received and I hope it is well loved.


Manic Monday

We went bowling this weekend on date night.  As you can see Ryan had a blast!


Puzzle Piece Pendants

These two pendants were made in the March Birthday Swap for Craftster OneGroovyDay.  
I used mini puzzle pieces and inked them up a bit.  I then sealed them with a spray so the colors wouldn't run when I put the resin in.  I used Mod Podge and scrapbook paper for the background and to hold the pieces in place.  I then sealed them both with resin.  
I made the yellow/orange one first and wasn't happy with how it turned out so I made the blue one as an extra.  Now that it's been a few months I actually like how they both turned out and hope that the recipient was happy too!


Manic Monday

Altered Spoons I received from Quaggy on Craftster


Foodie Friday-Garlic Parmesan Pull Apart Bread

I am a bread lover!  I have passed this on to my kids too.  I think we could all eat just bread or toast be happy.  I especially love a good garlic bread.  This bread is super easy to make and soooo good!  It's also kind of fun to pull it all apart!

The original recipe is done using a bundt pan but since I don't own one I used my trusty Pyrex dish.  It worked out just fine!  You can't see the bottom layer of bread but those ended up being the favorite pieces.  This bread will definitely make more appearances at our dinner table.

You can find the recipe at The Virtuous Housewife

If you want to see what else I have been cooking check out my I tried these recipes board on Pinterest