
Foodie Friday-Roasted Zucchini & Squash

I tried two new recipes this week, well one new recipe and a variation on an old one.  I tried a new way of roasting my favorite veggies and a new way of making fried chicken tenders.

I had some zucchini and summer squash sitting in the fridge and it needed to be used before it ended up getting tossed out.  We use these two veggies when we cook all the time.  I have sauteed them with garlic and olive oil, grilled them on skewers, and roasted them with sausage & potatoes.  I found this recipe on (of course) Pinterest and I am glad that I did!  

This came together with 4 ingredients and about 2 minutes time.  I must say this is now one of my favorite ways to roast these veggies.  Unfortunately neither of my kids will touch them but I guess that just means more for the adults!

You should totally try this one!  Check out Clean Eating Recipes for the recipe.  You can thank me for sharing this with you later.

We'll talk chicken next week......

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