
Stocking Swap

I did the stocking swap on Craftster this year.  It was perfect since I don't have my own stocking and for some reason the adults in my house don't get stuffers...This makes no sense to me since the stocking is the best part.  Well almost the best part!  I love all the neat little gifts that can fit in one.  So without further ado..here is the stocking I......
Received!  From Averia.  It is straight from my Pinterest.  I just adore the bright fabric and the curly elf shoe shape.  She included some extra fabric for me so I could make matching ones for the kids if I so choose.

Here is the stocking I made.  I pretty much just winged it as usual and I think it turned out okay for my first time making a stocking.  I only wish the toe part was a bit bigger.  I chose to use my partners favorite winter time colors and I cut the fabric into strips then sewed them together.  I used another stocking that we have as a pattern and cut it all out.  I put a layer of batting between the front and the lining then sewed it all together.  It's not perfect but it's got character!   

I will share some of the goodies that were stuffed in the stocking next week

1 comment:

  1. Both stockings are great! The ornament fabric is really fun. I want to join that swap next year.


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