
Foodie Friday- Lettuce Wraps 2.0

The last time I decided to try my hand at making homemade lettuce wraps I just threw a little of this and a little of that in the sauce and called it good.  This time I decided to try a recipe since sometimes a little of this and little of that ends up too salty!  

I found a recipe on one of my favorite foodie blogs Mels Kitchen Cafe and decided to try it.  I will admit to being a bit leary about using something called "Fish Sauce" since I eat nothing if it comes out of water, but these didn't taste fishy at all.  I of course adapted the recipe to fit with what my family likes and here is what we did.

1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 tablespoon reduced-sodium soy sauce
3 tablespoons lime juice 
1 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 pound ground turkey
Some frozen diced onion 

I combined the salt, fish sauce, soy sauce, lime juice, brown sugar, and cornstarch per the directions and mixed well. 
 I cut the stem from my cabbage and got a pot of water boiling
Start to brown up your turkey along with the diced onion in a skillet over medium heat
Once the water is boiling drop your cabbage in leaf down (where the stem was up) and let boil for a few minutes to soften the leaves.  Remove from pot and let cool.  This will help you tear the leaves off without tearing them and makes the wraps easier to eat.
After the turkey is browned give the sauce another quick mix than dump it in with the turkey
Mix well and serve!

We like ours with some crunchy noodles and I prefer mine with some Sriracha to add some heat!


Embroidered Coffee Cozy and Matching Coaster

This was a little kit that I found on clearance at Micheal's that I decided to pick up and make for my partner in the Crafty Detective Swap.  The kit came with all the pieces and the thread then I had to stitch it all up.  I love the color combo and the overall look of the leaves.  I think I could probably make something like this again without using a kit.


Manic Monday

Matchboxes! These are the matchboxes I received from my partners in the Matchbox Swap
Day of the Dead Kitty Shrine Matchbox

Classic Winnie the Pooh Matchbox


Circus Matchbox

This is one of the matchboxes I made in the Altered Matchbox Swap.  One of my partners themes was Vintage Circus Sideshow.  I printed out a Circus tent and used colored pencils to color it in.  I liked the idea of having "doors" that opened in the front inviting you into the circus.  I found these little circus printables that represented my sideshow. 

Here it is with the doors closed and tied up with a ribbon.
I wish I had a photo of the back which has a vintage looking ticket on it.


Manic Monday

Our Kitties

Cookie & Cocoa


Wrap Bracelets

I went to a craft show a few weeks ago and saw a booth where a fabulous mother daughter duo had some fantastic jewelry.  I bought a pendant but what really caught my eye were these wrap bracelets.  I didn't buy one at first cause it was a bit spendy but I couldn't stop thinking about them.  Before I left I went back and splurged (it was my bday weekend after all) and I asked her what she made them from since they were just so unique.  Turns out you can buy rubber bracelets that are made from recycled flip flops.  Thousands of flip flops litter the East African coast and cause tons of damage so they are collected and recycled into lots of things.  The vendor didn't want to share her source for buying them which is understandable so I scoured the internet until I found a store I could buy them from.  Using memory wire and other beads and charms here is what I came up with. 

Here is a pile of all of them so far

This is the Love bracelet and features hearts with lots of black, red, and silver beads.

The Make a Wish bracelet and has lots of stars.

Pretty in Pink has a brown and pink color scheme and features lots of little flowers

It Ain't Easy Being Green is an awesome neon color and has a frog charm on one end and dragonfly on the other.

Under the Sea has numerous glass beads and different silver charms that feature sea creatures.  The large charm on the end is a mermaid.

I don't have a name for this one!  The beads vary from silver flowers to some ornate glass beads I had.  The glass beads have a very fine gold line work and pink flowers on them.  On one end I have attached a wire wrapped stone and a silver tree and on the other there are two brass jingle bells.

I know that these are only the first of what is going to turn into a ton of these bracelets.  I have in fact already bought the supplies so I can make a ton more!