
Foodie Friday- Lettuce Wraps 2.0

The last time I decided to try my hand at making homemade lettuce wraps I just threw a little of this and a little of that in the sauce and called it good.  This time I decided to try a recipe since sometimes a little of this and little of that ends up too salty!  

I found a recipe on one of my favorite foodie blogs Mels Kitchen Cafe and decided to try it.  I will admit to being a bit leary about using something called "Fish Sauce" since I eat nothing if it comes out of water, but these didn't taste fishy at all.  I of course adapted the recipe to fit with what my family likes and here is what we did.

1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 tablespoon reduced-sodium soy sauce
3 tablespoons lime juice 
1 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 pound ground turkey
Some frozen diced onion 

I combined the salt, fish sauce, soy sauce, lime juice, brown sugar, and cornstarch per the directions and mixed well. 
 I cut the stem from my cabbage and got a pot of water boiling
Start to brown up your turkey along with the diced onion in a skillet over medium heat
Once the water is boiling drop your cabbage in leaf down (where the stem was up) and let boil for a few minutes to soften the leaves.  Remove from pot and let cool.  This will help you tear the leaves off without tearing them and makes the wraps easier to eat.
After the turkey is browned give the sauce another quick mix than dump it in with the turkey
Mix well and serve!

We like ours with some crunchy noodles and I prefer mine with some Sriracha to add some heat!

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