

This here is a Dalek.  If you don't know what a Dalek is then you really need to watch some Dr. Who.  It's on Netflix if you need to catch up!  If you don't have the desire to watch the show then you can read up on them on Wikipedia.  Basically they are a baddie and are forever a thorn in the good Dr.'s side.  

Here we have my version of a stenciled Dalek cut out using my handy dandy Silhouette Cameo.  I am still not completely proficient with this machine yet and when I cut something for a stencil I am never 100% sure how it's going to turn out.  Luckily for me this one turned out even better than I thought.  

I sent it away to live with my swap partner and I hope she likes the looks of it as much as I do.

1 comment:

  1. I've just started the second season of Dr. Who although I'm not sure I can do without Rose! I loved them together and the last show of the season I balled! So good. Great stencil! Looks great and I know your partner is going to love it.


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