
Skull Swap

I really should try crafting a bit for myself one of these days but I find that I have enough trouble keeping up with all the swaps I join.  On top of my regularly scheduled craziness I swap and swap and swap.  I actually feel somewhat anxious if I don't have something to work on.  

If you know me you know I couldn't resist joining the Skull Swap.  I do love me some skulls.  It's funny how your tastes change as you get older.  10 years ago I am not sure I would have enjoyed all the skully goodness that I love now.  Hopefully, I continue to love skulls since I am now permanently marked with them...

So anyway back to the crafts I made for my partner...
First up is an altered wooden tile pendant topped with some Diamond Glaze to give it some dimension, shine, durability.

I also made this beaded wrap bracelet.  I thought the little white beads looked like bone and used the tiny red hearts to add a pop of color.  I love these itty bitty skull beads that come in a great variety of colors then finished the whole thing with a 3D rose button.  I need to pick up more of these since this one was the last in my stash.

I was going to make my partner a shrine but I had this little cubby sitting around waiting for me to do something with and decided to alter it instead.  I used scrapbook paper and some Paper Cuts I purchased from Retro Cafe Art Gallery.  Honestly, I didn't want to send this away..

Finally I stitched up this Day of the Dead skeleton girl.  The pattern is one I purchased from Urban Threads quite some time ago but had never done anything with it.  Must have been saving it for the right person.  
I am quite pleased with the package I put together and hope that my partner enjoyed it too!

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