
Art Abandonment

Have you heard of the art abandonment movement?  It's kind of like artsy fartsy random acts of kindness.  Artists create and then randomly leave their art for others to find. Here is a full explanation.  There is also a Facebook page where you can share what you have abandoned or even what you have found if you are so lucky.  They also have links to different tags you can use when you abandon art, monthly challenges, and of course lots of inspiration.

I have been a part of the Facebook group for some time but never actually made or abandoned anything.  Some wonderful Craftster member decided to make an art abandonment craft-a-long which finally motivated me to play too. 

The first things I made to abandon were some simple pendants.  I made a set of 7 of them, stamped a bag, and attached a tag.  The tags on these bags just show my Instagram username in case someone finds something and wants to post it and tag me.  The next set of tags I make will be a bit different though.  I decided it's supposed to be anonymous and so I don't need to leave my info but will have the general art abandonment email address listed.

The great thing about this is that you can abandon any kind of art you want.  I have seen people post photos of full sized paintings they are going to abandon.  

I created this Pinterest board for inspiration on other things that I could make to abandon.  My next surprises will be washi tape covered clothes pins.

I hope that whomever finds the art that I leave about enjoys their gift and

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