
Kumihimo Braided Bracelets

I have been wanting to try Kumihimo braiding for a very long time.  The jewelry that can be made is just gorgeous but I was always afraid to try it since it looked so complicated.  I decided to watch some Youtube vidoes to get an idea of how to make the bracelets and realized that it’s really not that complicated!  I ordered up some supplies and whipped up my first bracelet in no time.
For your first bracelet I recommend using some thicker cord of some kind.  I used satin cord that I purchased on Etsy

Here is one that Adia made

Once I had mastered the basic 8 strand braid I decided to try doing a braid with beads.  I had a little trouble finding the right kind of cord at first but after doing some more research I settled on S-lon Cord #18.  You can burn the ends which makes stringing the beads much easier or you can use a collapsible eye needle to help string them. 

All the tutorials I watched used bobbins to wrap the strung beads around while braiding.  I found that these just get in my way and so I just tie a bead with a knot the end of my strings and let them dangle.  They do tangle up a bit but overall I prefer it.

I use basic round end caps that you can get at your local craft store and E-6000 glue to finish them off.
I hope this helps anyone who is intimidated by this technique to give it a try!

Satin Cord: MorrigansMagic 

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