
Foodie Friday- Slow Cooker Applesauce

Applesauce is a bit of a lunchbox staple in our house.  The kids eat it, like it, and its easy to toss those little prepackaged cups in there.  But, really who knew that making your own applesauce would be so easy??  Seriously easy.  I had eyed some slow cooker recipes for jam and applesauce on Pinterest before but hemmed and hawed about trying them.  I thought that somewhere in there would be some crazy steps that turn something that looks easy into a pain.  I was wrong.  Making applesauce with no added sugar and no preservatives will take a total of 15 minutes of effort.

First you want to take your apples, I used 4 Fuji apples, skin them and remove the core.  Cut it into chunks and toss them in the crock pot.  Add two tablespoons of water and stir a bit.  I added a few dashes of cinnamon to mine but you don't have to if you don't like it.

Turn your slow cooker on low and cook for 4 hours.
Take the lid off and mash for a minute then put the results in a jar.

There you are done.  Wasn't that easy??


  1. Damn you Lindy, always making cooking and crafting so easy...I guess THIS ONE I can do. YUM! Hannah and I are total apple freaks, thanks for sharing!

  2. My mom has a whole tree of apples and keeps sending them over. This will be happening in both of my crock pots.


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