
September Hoopla Along and a Review of Sulky Sticky Fabri-Solvy

I get emails from A LOT of different sites to keep me updated on sales, crafty happenings, new products, and all kinds of other stuff.  One of the emails I get regularly is from Penguin and Fish who designs and sells super cute embroidery patterns.  One of her most recent emails introduced me to an amazing new product.

I love to embroider.  Besides cleaning like a maniac it’s my own form of therapy.  There is just something about sitting down and doing stitch after tiny stitch and watching a beautiful piece of artwork emerge on the fabric  that helps to calm me down and soothes my soul.   I also love that it is a very portable craft and it’s something I can do while watching TV or a movie (since you know I can’t just sit and watch).   I love looking at and buying all the fun colors of embroidery floss and picking out the perfect colors for a new pattern too. 

That being said, I HATE transferring patterns.  I have to drag out my light board and prepare my fabric. Then I have to sit, trace the pattern on the fabric, then hoop it up.  All before I can start stitching.   Some patterns are pretty simple and this isn’t a big deal.  Others are very intricate and have lots of tiny details, swirly lines, and whatnot.  I tend to avoid these patterns because I don’t want to have to transfer them.  

Well ladies and gents if you are like me and hate to transfer patterns I am going to change your embroidery world today.  Introducing Sulky Sticky Fabri-Solvy!!!

You print your design directly on to the Fabri-Solvy…

Peel off the paper backing and then stick the printed design right on to your fabric then put it in your hoop and stitch away

When you are finished take your fabric out of the hoop, fill a bowl with water and plop it right on in.  I let it soak for a few minutes then agitate the water/swirl the fabric around.  The Fabri-Solvy starts coming right off.  Depending on the size of your pattern, you may need to get a fresh bowl of water and do this again to get it all clean.  I then laid my project out to dry and because I am lazy just put it back in the hoop.  You can iron your project before re-hooping it if you are so inclined.
All done!

I used this to stitch up my hoop for the Ongoing Hoopla Month.  This is Septembers hoop for the theme Home Sweet Home.

 I loved that I didn’t have to transfer the pattern and that all the design details were just perfect.  I also loved that I can use dark or patterned background fabrics.   The only issue I had with this project is that it does make your needle a bit sticky as you stitch.  It’s fixed by just wiping off your needle on your shirt or whatever and then you are good to go again. 
So thank you to Penguin and Fish for changing my stitching world!!!  

Pattern purchased from TamarNahirYanai 
Sulky Sticky Fabri-Solvy purchased from Amazon

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I love comments! Unfortunately I can't figure out how to reply to them....but I really do read them!