
DIY Advent Calendar

Every year my kids look forward to counting down the days until Christmas.  Usually they each get a little calendar that has a tiny chocolate for each day but last year I discovered that LEGO makes an advent calendar.  I found them on sale online and ordered one for each of the kids.  It was really fun to see what little set would come in each day.  

This year I again ordered the LEGO calendar for Landon but I felt like Adia had outgrown it.  So I searched for other options and couldn't find anything so I decided to make my own.  I ordered a blank countdown box (links below) and  some Christmas themed washi tapes to decorate each box and this is what I came up with.

I had a lot of different ideas for fillers but decided to do a charm bracelet.  The first day of the calendar had a bracelet in it and each day will have a new charm that can be attached to the bracelet.  I alternated between clear, silver, and red for each day. 

By Christmas she will have a full charm bracelet to show off with her Christmas outfit!

These link back to Amazon and when I bought the LEGO calendar a few months ago it was half the price that it is now.  I suggest getting that early if you want one for next year!

Also I bought the washi tape by the yard from Cards Crafts N More on Etsy.  I love washi tape but it's nice to not have to buy a whole roll if it honestly won't really get used for any other projects.

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