
New Ink!

I got a new tattoo on Saturday! It's my Christmas present to myself. I have been wanting to get this done for the last three years and I'm happy that I finally have done it. The next will be some starts on my feet.
It's starting to get scabby now so sorry for the kinda yucky picture. I was a bit nervous that it would hurt here on my wrist but it literally took 10 minutes and was no big deal. Now both my kiddos are forever inked on my skin YAY!


Leap Frog

Maybe I'm just stupid but I seriously cannot figure this out. It is driving me crazy, I could probably sit here for 5 hours and keep clicking on these stupid frogs and still make no progress. Maybe you will have better luck than I have had. If anyone figures this thing out let me know please and thank you...



I love Altoid Tins

My partner in the Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Tin received her package from me. I wasn't able to do what I had orginally planned for her and am actually a bit disappointed in the tin. It is cute but not up to the high standards I set for myself. Also compared to the tin I received, mine is a serious POS! Oh well I keep telling myself that at least I got it done and out regardless.
Here are the pictures of the tin. The first shows the top, the second is the bottom, and the last shows the inside and the goodies that I shoved in there. I made two pairs of earrings, one is a Christmas Cookie set and the other is a candy cane set. I made a Santa pin out of poly clay that looks more like a gnome, some mini ornaments, a grow a Rudolph, some little wintery buttons and findings, two lampwork snowmen beads, and two cutie paper cut outs. I hope my partner wasn't too disappointed in what she received! Actually the more I look at it, I think it's actually a really cute little tin!


You're a Mean One Mr. Grinch

I am feeling so Grinchy this year. I just can't seem to get into the holiday spirit. The kids and I decorated the tree and the house, I am almost done shopping, watch the Christmas movies with the kids, look at all the beautiful lights, and I listen to Christmas music at work but nothing is working for me this year. Maybe I need to go sit on Santas lap?? So to try to get into the spirit I am going to do a random Google search for Christmas and share with you my findings.

First we have the Wikipedia entry all about Christmas... I never knew it was also know as Christmastide...

To find out how Christmas works visit http://www.howstuffworks.com/christmas.htm
Although if you don't know how Christmas works then you are an idiot and I am surprised you are even able to read!

This looks like fun http://www.northpole.com/
Welcome to Santa's Secret Village. Watch out the secret is now out

Okay that search did nothing for my Holiday Spirit! Someone help me here please! Like seriously give me a present or something.......


Here we go again

I have been caught up in the middle of the holiday frenzy which for me also includes birthday frenzy for Adia. She is having her birthday party tomorrow at the park. I am crossing my fingers for decent weather (cross yours too!) She is so excited. I can't believe she is already going to be eight! Where does the time go? I remember her being my non sleeping, crying, pooping everywhere teeny tiny baby. She was the most beautiful little one in the world (still is in my opinion) I kinda miss those days when I could hold her with one arm. Now I can't even lift her up at all!!! She is so independant and certainly has a mind of her own. Not sure where she gets that from???? She is also very sensitive and I think she is always trying to make everyone (except Landon) happy. She is my little mother, one day in the very FAR future she is going to make great mommy. Happy soon to be birthday my little peanut!

I haven't been making much lately as I have been trying to finish up some things for Christmas gifts and had to finish the 3 swaps I was in. I did find time to make these earrings which I love. I need to find more of these star beads as I think they are wonderful!!

I am really loving plastic beads and such right now and used some hearts for this necklace. It's one of my favorites. The little hearts were in a mystery bag of beads I ordered from OMGLia. I gotta find out where this girl gets all her beads from. She gets some wonderful stuff in stock! I have some other ideas for a few of the other things she sent me.

Silver Owl. Kinda strange how much I like this considering I am terrified of birds!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these earrings!!!! I wear them all the time.

Here is a Christmas Altoids tin I received in a swap. She used the Nutcracker as a theme. This is the inside of the tin. Isn't it beautiful?

This is the inside lid of the tin, again beautiful

The outside of the tin is so girly and totally me! I love when people make the perfect things for me.

This is the front of the tin, still super cute and girly.

Lots of holiday themed jewelry was found inside my tin. I love the santa necklace and green square shaped earrings.

I will post more pics of things I have made for swaps once they are received. I have completed all my holiday swap items and all have been shipped. I am so proud I have resisted the urge to sign up for anymore swaps!!!!


I'm Baaaaack

It's been a while but I'm back with a few updates. I finished my Christmas shopping for my kids which is a total relief. They are only getting 5 things total along with stocking. The way I see it they get so much stuff from everyone else that it is sort of pointless for me to get them tons of stuff. Now I need to shop for all the siblings/cousins/parents/friends. I know what I am going to get my parents and grandparents and the little cousins but my siblings are hard to shop for. So are friends. I also need to get going on my holiday baking. I am going to be making cherry blossoms and buckeyes to give this year. You better hope you are on the list to get some cause they are gooooood!

Now I need to start getting things ready for Adia's 12/13/08 birthday bash. We are going to have a party at the park again this year with pizza and some games. I have decided against traditional party favors and am instead going to let the kids each pick out a book to take home. No candy and junk toys for us this year. Adia wants to play games so I need to figure out a few good outdoor games.

We will be busy the weekend of the 13th as my aunt is coming to town from Montana for a visit and a Cardinals game. So after the party we will be heading over to moms for a BBQ. Sunday is the Cardinals/Vikings game which I will be going to. I can't wait!

Things are finally starting to settle down around my house, getting into a new schedule isn't always easy, especially on the kids. Turning back into a single parent hasn't been so easy on me either! I sure don't take my kids for granted so much anymore. It's really hard when they are with their dad. This year Adia will be with him on her birthday, that's going to be tough on me. First birthday in 8 years I won't be with my little girl.

Okay enough with the sad shit! My brother Lucas finally got the camera that he has been wanting and he tested it out on me Friday. Here are a few of the results
I was spying on my mom here and then I decided to play dead, not very convincing though. I had had a few margaritas and was being a bit silly!
Here my lovely Lucas caught me by surprise as I was walking out of the bedroom fixing my shirt.
Then mom and me decided to have a cheesy portrait shoot and pose for the camera! I ended up getting the giggles and laughed so hard I cried. Luke has a few pics of that but he didn't send them to me and even if he had I wouldn't post them cause they are not overly attractive.
I am still crafting away, making a few Christmas gifts that are quite time consuming. I have finished and sent my 12 Days of Christmas swap stuff, I was an angel and sent another Jar of Whimsies box and now I need to finish up and send out my altered Altoids tin and ornaments. I also need to complete my UHU challenge and alter a magazine. I have been slacking but have had a very good excuse!
Hope everyone had lots of turkey fun last Thursday! MWAH!!!


It's about time!

I finally passed my @#*$#) life exam and will soon have a license to sell life insurance. Yay for me!! Now I can go and use the gift card my dad sent me on something special I have been wanting for a while now. Thanks dad!

I haven't been crafting much lately since things on the homefront have been a bit different but I plan on getting back into to things tonight. I have three large projects to finish before Christmas and if I don't get going now they will never get done!

Speaking of Christmas I am at a loss here for good gift ideas for Adia. She is asking for dolls and such but she never plays with them so it's like throwing money away. She is getting a Nintendo DS but she is getting it from my ex and I can't very well give her games for something that she hasn't received yet ( she will be opening presents with me before she does with them) I was going to get her some Webkinz but we don't have a computer at home anymore so that won't work. Maybe some Wii games?? I am sure I will figure it out before the time comes. Seems like it gets harder every year to shop.

I am still swapping, just decided to slow down for the holidays. I am currently doing an ornament swap, 12 Days of Christmas swap, and another altered Altiods tin swap. I haven't worked on any of them for the past week. I need to get in gear since I need to send out the 12 Days swap on December 1st. Thankfully that one is almost finished. I am seriously stumped on what to do for the ornament swap, none of the ones I have made so far are very good in my opinion. Oh well that is another one I am sure I will figure out if only I could get motivated!


It's about freaking time!

I finally got a Disney swap package in the mail! Thanks so much to Endlessly Intricate! She made a shirt for each of the kids and a PINK TINKERBELL shirt for me! Oh how I do love pink and you can't go wrong with Tink. Three ami's, a Pooh Bear, Mike, and Mickey. Some super cute resin magnets with Tink, Pooh, Buzz, and the Cheshire cat. Then there is the aweseomest Cheshire cat bag EVAH! I wish I could crochet like this. I cant even make scarf without it going all wonky on me. This package was definitely well worth the wait!

I reconned an old ugly necklace into this beauty with matching earrings. I am not even going to put it up for sale cause I love it that much! The old necklace has some other interesting beads that will get made into something eventually.

See I told you I would make this charm into a super cute bracelet. Me thinks that there are more of these to come in different colors with different charms. I guess I will have to order more of the charms.
I picked up some beads to start making some Christmassy stuff. I need to finish up my swaps and get going on my Christmas stuff. I am like 95% done with the 12 Days swap and I just can't seem to get it together for the Ornament swap. I am such a bad girl and signed up for an altered Altoids tin swap. I can't wait to get partnered up and get started on that. I found some really great vintage Christmas art that I want to use. Hopefully my soon to be partner is into that stuff.
Anywhoo I also have another UHU glue challenge of altering a magazine image. I need to start brainstorming on that one here soon too. Ugh too much to do and not enough time to do it in! I have started to bring a certain something to work with me so I can work on it at lunch. It's almost done and looks so good. It's for a swap so no pictures until after Christmas :(


I'm Bringing Crafty Back

After some very spooky Halloween Costumes.......
I had to post Landons picture first because after that shot his sister sucked all his blood! See it running down the sides of her mouth? I knew there was some sibling rivalry but sheesh.....
Okay I haven't been very crafty lately on things I can post since they are all items for swaps and I wouldn't want to ruin the surprises (not that anyone actually reads this!) But in any case I figured since this is supposed to be a crafty kinda blog that I better actually post some freaking crafts on here! There is a lovely beaded bracelet that I am having some size issues with. The silver things on the ends make it A LOT longer than normal! I still have some beads left over and am going to make some matching earrings. I also made some new scrabble tile charms. I recently got a huge roll of ball chain so I can make pendants out of them. I also just received the most awesome DOMINO charms, not sure yet how I feel about the bracelet but it took a while to make so I don't have the heart to tear it up. I really like the earrings but am going to make them shorter. I also have lots more of the charms and am going to make matching color domino earrings too. Keep your eyes on my Etsy if you want a pair or you can visit my crafty Myspace and get your very own pair! (Shameless plug for myself, but what the hell it's my blog and I can do what I want) I also ordered these tiny plastic photo holder charm thingies that I think I am IN LOVE with. I have only used one since I don't want to waste them. I think I am going to make that one into an awesome bracelet though.

As you can see here I received a package from my chocolate swap partner!!! She made me a bacon pillow and a little bacony friend I have named Hammy. She made me some yummy sugar scrub that smells just like chocolate and some chocolate scented lip balms. Also included was a chocolate recipe book and obviously lots of chocolate! Lots of things I have never tried, so I am looking forward to eventually eating them all!
Good news my 2nd swap angel for the Disney swap has sent me a package!!!!!!! I am so anxious to receive it as I have been (im)patiently awaiting some Disney goodness since the beginning of September! I know it will be an awesome package too since my angel is an awesome crafter. I can't wait to see what she made for me (and possible the wee ones)



I think my friend Allen said it best "I haven't been this proud to be part of this country since the banding together shortly after 9/11. Happy Day!"



Rock the Vote!!

I hope everyone gets out there and excercises their right to vote today. I for one feel privilaged to take part in what I feel is one that will go down in history. The first African American candidate, a woman VP. No matter who wins it will make history.
I am super glad that I sent in an early ballot by mail and will not have to wait in any lines today!



Is this for real? Well it looks like a real article to me. Who in their right mind though would think that anyone would be interested in this? It has to be a joke right?
WAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION! 1. Why do you tell the cop that you were masturbating? 2. How does this information make it to a newspaper? 3. Who the hell is the editor of the paper who okayed printing this? Seems like this comes from small town paper so I bet the Cole Ave. man is pretty embarassed cause EVERYONE knows who he is!

What a detailed report! You now know to keep your eyes open for two men who have Have a Nice Day smiley face bags and REALLY itchy crotches!

Are you serious? OMG OMG OMG it's a baby in the trash can OMG OMG OM.......oh wait a second nevermind it's only a burrito! Hmmmmm that's a pretty big burrito, wonder where i can get me one of those?


Happy Halloween

I am not sure why I find these pumkins puking pictures so funny but I do!

I can't believe it is already Halloween, before you know it Christmas will be here. I am dreading Christmas. I always get so stressed out! Ok lets not get ahead of ourselves just yet.....

The kids and I, well actually Adia and I carved our pumpkins last night. Landon refused to stick his hand in and pull out the pumpkin guts! Adia hand drew the face on her pumpkin and did most of the carving herself. Hers turned out so good. I used a pattern to do mine! Thank you Grandma for bringing us the pumpkins and they will be displayed in front of her house tonight (since we don't ever stay home)

I seriously cannot believe that anyone would do this to their dog! I mean some of these are pretty funny but I do have a hard time believing that any dog would actually wear any of these for any amount of time. Especially the princess one! A hot dog, a taco dog! I think it would be funny to dress a dog or cat up as an egg roll (LOL get it??)

Doggie costumes brought to us by http://www.glamourdog.com/costumes.html

There is a picture of me as a young one dressed up as Tweety Bird for Halloween. I don't remember it so I must have only been 2 or 3 but it was one of those plastic masks and smocks. What crappy costumes! I now know why kids all used to dress up in homemade costumes back then cause those were way better than anything that could be bought. I don't get why the smocks all just have a picture of the character?? Why not make it look like part of the characters wardrobe? Probably cause then no one would ever be able to figure out who the hell you are supposed to be! I mean seriously who would know that the following mask is supposed to be Scott Baio as Chachi??

Shouldn't the Flipper and Jaws smocks be blue or something? The eye holes on Jaws hmmmm..
Who the hell wants to be a Rubiks Cube? Was this really cool at some point?
Ok this just freaks me out for some reason! It just doesn't look right.
All the face masks are creepy with the blank staring eyes. I am not sure if they would look any better with someone actually wearing them. Kinda reminds me of Michael Meyers.......
Speaking of Michael Meyers, the Halloween series is my favorite horror series. It combines lots of suspense with just the right amount of blood and guts. www.halloweenmovies.com/ Unlike todays supposed horror movies they don't seem to go for the shock or gross out factor as much. I can't even stand to watch the crap they call scary anymore. It's just not scary, suspense scares me, moody music (such as the Halloween music) letting you know something is about to happen scares me, realistic situations scare me way more than some random "monster" chopping peoples heads off. Nothing gets my heart beating a little harder than that anticipation of what's going to happen next....
Also there is no plot to todays horror movies, they almost remind me of porn in that way. The story is just an after thought! Hey maybe I should write a horror porn movie??? Sex, gore, and crap plot? It would be easy money!
Here are a few sites that have pictures of ghosts, not sure what's real and what's fake but still fun to look at. Especially today..
Have a spooky day!