
I have no witty title

I have much love for the Craftster who made this shirt. I only cut out very simple stencils cause it's time consuming and makes my hand hurt. But this is so detailed and I love it! I want to make one for myself but the thought of cutting out that stencil kinda scares me. I have asked my brother to enlarge this photo using photoshop so that I can have it on hand in case I ever get brave enough to start cutting it out.

I have been doing some reaearch on others stenciling techniques and have some good ideas that may be put to use for Christmas presents. It's pretty amazing what some people can do. I must say that I think stenciling has become my new favorite craft to do. I actually have two projects planned for a swap I am doing and a project especially for myself planned.

Forgive my crappy cell phone picture of a sweet black rose ring I made. I love this ring. The rose was a charm off a bracelet Adia got out of a quarter machine. I have actually seen places on www.etsy.com that sell these roses in all sorts of sizes and colors. I think I am going to have to by them. I want to be drowning in these roses. Seriously.....

Adia had a little sleep over on Friday and the three girls got to decorate their own shirts. Here Carley, Alexah, and Adia are wearing their decorated goodness. I was pleasantly surprised that they all shared the paints and there was no mess made! I also think they all did such and awesome job. Down below Alexah and Adia are hamming it up for the camera. Both girls are looking forward to the next time we have a slumber party. Oh and did I mention I let them put makeup on me???? BIG mistake the lipstick DYED my lips for like 12 hours!!!! I woke up and still had bright pink lipstick on. YUCK!!!!!!!

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